Chapter 10

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Ryder's POV😜
I look at mom
"We need a strong action plan"Mom said
"I know but without knowing who kidnapped her we are more at danger then she is"I said
"Call a meeting who ever doesn't show could have her"Mom said
"That won't work I can get Arisa's gang here"I said
"She did for your birthday"Mom said
"Look mom they know she's missing they won't help us"I said
"Try it son"Mom said walking away.She doesn't understand that I can't do anything about it.I look around sighing.
Arisa's POV💛
As I am walking around I have hid my phone on my body somewhere.They walk back in
"What are you doing?"They asked
"It doesn't mater what I'm doing I am stuck in here"I said
"Fair but I want you to do something"He said
"And what's that?"I asked
"It's something along the lines of this"He said walking over I kick him in the head knocking him out.I then run out the door as I am finding my way around I hear something behind me so I run faster.I see a door so I open it.Its outside so I run out as I get out into the woods I realize they took me far enough out to where I don't know how to get back.I just run nonstop when I am hidden in a ditch I pull out my phone turning the brightness down.I then go on messages texting my gang then I look up not seeing anyone so I run again this time I hit a road.I call Ryder
"Hello"Ryder said
"I need your help you have to come find me and fast"I said
"Where are you?"Ryder asked
"I have no clue they t"I start when I get attacked I gasped dropping my phone
"Your going to pay for running"He said as he pulls a knife on me I kick him in the balls then I grab the knife pointing it at him.
"Where are we"I asked
"The south side woods"He said I walk to my phone picking it up
"You still there?"I asked
"Yeah and I'm on my way"Ryder said then hangs up I walk to the guy
"Your going to be an example now"I said then I stab him hard he gasped as he bleeds
"Now go home"I said then I wait after awhile Ryder shows up I get in the car.
"Your ok"Ryder said hugging me
"Yeah I'm fine but we need to leave now"I said then I see a horde of people I slam my door and Ryder drives.He almost losses control so I reach over swerving and I keep the control until we get back to the house.As we pull in I get out and so does Ryder then we walk inside
"I smell I'm going to shower"I said
"Ok"Ryder said then I go to his bathroom I walk inside the bathroom taking my dress off then I start the shower getting into it.
Amber's POV🗣
As I am sitting at home getting ready for the party.As I am mom and dad look at me
"We need to talk to Arisa"Dad said
"I know we do but we don't have the time right now"I said
"When you see her at school tell her that we need to talk"Mom said
"Ok but I'm going to the party"I said then get up leaving.
"Remember what we want from you"Mom said
"I know"I said
"Good"Dad said
Arisa's POV💛
When I get out of the shower I wrap a towel around me then see clothes on the counter with a note.I look at it then put on the clothes then I walk downstairs to see there gone I look everywhere
"What the heck"I said then I get a phone call
"Hello"I said
"Arisa where are you?"Amber asked
"I'm at Ryder's why?"I asked
"I'm on my way"Amber said then hangs up.I walk to Nancy's room I look inside her closet seeing it trashed.
"What the hell"I whisper then look around seeing that my file the one I took when people came in is gone.I turn around then I go downstairs as I get down Amber bursts through the door slamming it and locking it
"We need to hide now turn off every single light and lock everything!"Amber said then we run around doing that.When we are done someone bangs on the front door we are upstairs looking down the stairs I look at Amber then I take her into Ryders room I lock the door and we go inside his closet hiding under his clothes.My phone buzzed
'If you want to see your boyfriend and his mother alive again you will listen to us.'I read
'Prove it.'I said
'What that we have your boyfriend and his mom?'They asked
'Yeah I want proof.'I said then someone bursts open the front door Amber almost screamed I cover her mouth shaking my head she looks into my eyes hers are frozen in fear.
"We will make it out of this ok"I whisper she nods then I carefully open the door to his closet I nod to the bed she goes under is I show sh and she nods.
"Find them both Amber went here someone must be here"Someone said I look at the door then I go inside the closet.I close the door then I wait.
Ryder's POV😜
I look at mom
"Should we have left Arisa at our house?"I asked
"Maybe but you have to remember your gangs are getting used to you guys being together"Mom said
"Fair but she would have called us I fell"I said
"Even if she did would you feel like you've accomplished something?"Mom asked I sighed
"I'm not sure mom but I'm worried"I said
"Then call her Ryder no harm could be done"Mom said
So how do you like the book so far?Also sorry it took me so long to publish this chapter.
Anyway give me things you want to happen and you may see it later ok bye love you all.

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