Chapter 11

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Still Ryder's POV 😜
I sighed then pull out my phone I look at mom she nods.Then I call her it rings for a few moments then she picks up
"Hello"Arisa whispers
"Hey Love you ok?"I asked
"Yeah I'm fine just working for my gang"Arisa whispers it's not a faint whisper she is fully trying.
"Are you sure?"I asked
"Yeah why wouldn't I be"Arisa said just a little louder
"No reason alright talk to you later love you"I said
"Love you too"Arisa said then I hang up I look at mom
"So?"Mom asked
"Someone's at the house"I said
"Are you for sure?"Mom asked I nod
"She was whispering not like a sleepy whisper but like I was taught if someone was inside the house"I said
"Oh let's go then"Mom said
Arisa's POV 💛
I hear shouting from the room next to this one I look at the bed seeing Amber scared out of her mind.They then try to open this door and can't knowing something is up they try to open it more I am looking at Amber who's looking at me.
"They must be in here"They said I get out of the closet grabbing Amber then I open the window making her jump first she rolls when she lands clearly hurting herself.Then I jump out of the window I do a flip landing iffy on my feet I pick Amber up and we run.As we get to the street I see Ryder's car driving at high speed but we keep going.His car stops and he runs over I run to him Amber made me let go I hug him hard
"Thank god your here"I said out of breath
"Who's inside?"Ryder asked
"I don't know at all"I said as he hugs me back
"Ok mom you take the girls to there house while I take care of this"Ryder said then tries to make me let go
"I refuse to leave you here"I said
"They are in my house and tried to hurt my girlfriend and her sister I will do what I must"Ryder said then he lifted my chin up making me look at him
"I will be ok I promise now you need to go home I'll call you"Ryder said I look at his eyes
"You better come back to me"I said then I stand up straight going to his lips and I kiss him.We kiss for a few then we break apart resting our heads on each other
"I want you to come to my house after ok Nancy will be with me"I said
"I will"Ryder said then I get inside his car as Nancy drives off when we get to my house we all head inside mom and dad look at Nancy
"Leave"Dad said
"She is allowed to stay her son is at there house trying to clear out the place so it's fine she's allowed"I said then we go to my room
"Are you girls ok?"Nancy asked
"I'm fine how are you Amber"I said
"I'm good thanks for the save both of you"Amber said
"It's nothing"We said then laugh after a few I get worried Amber and Nancy are talking while I look at my backyard waiting.I get a call everyone of us looks at my phone I walk to it
"Hello?"I said
"Hey Love come open the door"Ryder said I walk downstairs when I open the door I see him all bruised and bloody I drag him to my room while closing the door as we enter Nancy and Amber look at us
"Oh my god"Amber said I drag him inside the bathroom and I grab the first aid kit.
"What happened?"I asked
"The people wanted Amber badly but when I put up a fight they brought in more people"Ryder said as I am on my tiptoes Ryder sighs then lifts me up by my waist sitting me on the counter.I clean his wounds
"So they brought more people why did you call for your gang?"I asked
"They all had things to do"Ryder said
"You could have called me"I said
"You just got out of a kidnapping and an almost attempt so I wasn't going to have you go in there"Ryder said then I'm done I look him in the eyes
"I care for you Ryder"I said
"I know and I care about you as well but we have to make sure that we are safe together"Ryder said I hug him.Ryder hugs back then I hold tight
"I should be heading home now"Ryder said
"Why don't Nancy and you stay the night"I said
"Where would we sleep?"Ryder asked
"You can sleep in my room and Nancy can sleep in the guest room"I said
"Fine we will stay"Ryder said then we let go we walk out Nancy smiles at us
"Amber will you please show me the guest room?"Nancy asked
"Of course"Amber said then they leave
"Do you think they still feel like this is real?"I asked
"Who knows they may know but they may not know either"Ryder said I sighed then we get in my bed.I wake up at midnight hearing my parents throwing things I get out of bed walking downstairs.Mom and dad are in the kitchen I walk to them
"What the hell is going on?"I asked they look at me
"Stay out of this it's not like your our real daughter"Dad said
"I may not be your real daughter but I care about knowing why your fighting"I said
"Don't you get it everything was wonderful before we stole you"mom said
"You should have left me then"I said
"Maybe we should have but we didn't so you are stuck dealing with it"Dad said
"No your stuck with me because it's your fault not mine I hope you guys rot in hell"I said then I go to my room.

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