Chapter 9

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As I am in there hold I move fast getting free somewhat and I move hitting them they drag me down with them.
"Let go"I said then I get them off kicking them hard.I am breathing hard while I get up then something covers my mouth I refuse to breath in.They hit my ribs hard making me breath in.I then pass out cold.
Ryder's POV😜
I look around not seeing Arisa
"Mom wheres Arisa?"I asked
"I have no clue why?"Mom asked
"I haven't seen her in a while"I said
"So go look"Mom said I walk around seeing a guy at the other end of the fence I run over seeing a white van speeding off I run to Mom
"I think Arisa git kidnapped"I said everyone gasped
"Arisa never gets kidnaped unless she wants to"Someone in her gang said
"Do you know of any reason right now?"I asked
"Not at all"They all said I look at Mom
"Last I heard she was just going to walk around"Mom said
"I need to find her"I said
"Why?"Mom asked
"Just cause mom"I said then I walk around looking.The next day I am looking around a lot.
Arisa's POV💛
When I wake up I'm tied to a chair my dress has rode up but it's not showing anything
"She needs to know that we have this"I hear then I move hearing rope against my skin they are only half smart.I instantly break the rope standing up but I almost fall but I catch myself.I look around the room seeing a gross bed,the chair in the center,a door leading to maybe outside or the rest of the building and I see something glowing in the corner so I walk over to it seeing my phone.Why did they leave this here?I pick it up looking at it then I turn it on seeing a bunch of messages from everyone.I unlock my phone as I do I open my voice recording then I stand right up looking at the door since it opened.
"Well look who's up and moving"They said I walk while my heels click
"Of course pathetic ropes can't hold me forever"I said right at the chair my hands are behind my back out of memory from my parents.
"Look let's make a deal"He said
"What kind of deal?"I asked
"That if you are nice to me maybe and only maybe will I let you free"He said I look right into the darkness
"Sorry but without knowing any other odds or ends I have to say no"I said
"Your not as stupid as you look"He said
"I may be a gang leader but at least I have smarts unlike you"I said he laughs
"As if hon"He said
"Don't call me hon"I said
"Or what your going to hurt me?"He asked
"Maybe that's the part of not knowing"I said while looking at him
"You don't know what all is at stake here do you"He said
"What are you going to try and rape me sorry but I have fought against rapists before and you could never"I said
"No your boyfriends mom will pay if your bot obedient"He said
"What am I a fucking dog?"I asked
"Actually yeah you act like one"He said
"Look you will set me free or something will be at stake for you"I said
"And what would that be?"He asked
"And ruin the surprise hell no if you want to know hold me longer"I said
Nancy's POV🤨
As I enter the house I look around fast rushing to my room.When I enter I see a letter.
'Hello Nancy if you want to see Ryders Girlfriend again you will cope-rate and trust me when I say we will kill her.'I read if they think this is going to work I don't believe them I walk to my closet seeing the files I have on everyone and everything.I close the boxes and everything waiting for something anything to hit me.After a few I go downstairs seeing Ryder with his head on the counter
"Are you ok?"I asked
"Yeah mom I'm fine"Ryder said
"Are you sure"I said
"Yeah"Ryder said
"I'm sorry about Arisa"I said
"It's nothing mom"Ryder said
"It is something honey or else you wouldn't be sulking"I said
"Shut up"Ryder said
"I will not you need me right now"I said
"I need to know that my girlfriend is ok and isn't being torched"Ryder said I look down
"She's not at least not yet"I said
"What do you know?"Ryder asked I look at him
"When you were gone a few days before your birthday and Arisa was over people tried getting these"I said showing him her file
"What happened to her?"Ryder asked
"The people going after the file must have kidnapped her I looked at the ground where she was and seen she struggled"I said
"How could you let this happen!"Ryder said
"You think that it's my fault your girlfriend is the one who insisted on going to talk to them"I said
"You shouldn't have let her"Ryder said
"If I knew this was going to happen she would be with us right now instead of with them"I said
"You better hope and pray she gets out of there with out a single scratch on her"Ryder said
"Let's hope for all of our sakes"I said
Unknown's POV🎱
As I am looking at Arisa
"What are we going to do to her?"One of my people asked
"We are going to keep her until that boyfriend of hers can find us"I said
"Are you sure that's smart?"They asked
"It could be but it also could not be"I said
"You better hope for our sake that we can take him down"They said as we glance at her.
Hello everyone what do you think is happening?Also how do you think it's gonna effect the relationships?
Have fun see you next part bye
Stay safe,have fun,don't get pregnant and I'll see all of you later 😉

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