Chapter 4

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Ryder walks down hugging us
"I'm sorry you had to help us"She said
"It's ok"I said
"Will you stay here while we lock him inside one of the rooms?"She asked I nod then we move him then Ryder and his mom lock the door then look at me
"There we go"I said they look at me then each other
"Will you stay the night please?"She asked
"Sure let me just tell my parents"I said walking to the living room calling Mom
"Yes?"Mom asked
"I'm spending the night at a friends house ok"I said
"What ever but if it's a boy then you better come home with your virginity"Mom said
"Mom!"I said
"Oh get over it you are almost 18 you can deal"Mom said I sighed
"Yeah Mom talk to you later"I said
"Also make sure Amber knows so she can get you in the morning"Mom said
"No mom they will drive me"I said fast
"Ok"Mom said then hangs up I walk to Ryder and his mom they smile
"They said it's fine"I said then Ryder takes me to his room.I sit on his bed as he gets me clothes.He hands them to me so I go to the bathroom changing I look at myself then I grab my dress and heels then I walk out.I have in a huge sweater and boxer shorts.
"Your gonna be sleeping in here you ok with this?"Ryder asked
"It'll be fine"I said then I get into the bed I am on the right side I cuddle to a pillow falling sleep.
"Thank you so much for everything tonight"Ryder said
"It's nothing trust me I know the feeling of needing help and not being able to do anything"I said then I close my eyes falling asleep.I wake up thinking I'm hearing my parents fighting so I sit straight up running a hand through my hair I look down seeing Ryder sleep so I carefully get up walking out of his room I get to the room we locked his dad in hearing nothing.I quietly go outside making sure everything is good then I head back inside I lock the door and go upstairs.I get into Ryders room I climb into bed then I fall back asleep.When I wake up I feel warm so I snuggle to it then I hear a husky sounding laugh then I open my eyes seeing Ryders chest.I look at him
"Good morning"Ryder said
"Morning"I said then I get up stretching
"Mom called for help she walked in a few minutes ago to tell me"Ryder said
"Good"I said smiling then we get out of the room seeing his mom on the phone
"Ok please come soon"She said
"Is she on the phone with the people?"I asked
"I think so"Ryder said
"Ok"I said then she hangs up
"Hey guys oh by the way Arisa my name is Nancy"She said
"Nice to meet you"I say royally and we all laugh
"She is a keeper"Nancy said
"Ok anyway so are the people on there way?"I asked
"They are they will be here soon can you please go make sure he's still in there?"Nancy asked
"Of course"I said as I walk upstairs unlocking the door he tries to run out I punch him in the face knocking him out again I close the door locking it
"Yeah he's in there"I said then after a few people walk in and I show them the room as I open the door I see him running at me the people grab him drugging him I look at them as they drag him out
"Thank you for calling us"They said then leave I walk to Ryder and Nancy
"You guys ok?"I asked
"Yeah we are fine"Nancy said as she places her hand inside Ryders
"I'm gonna get dressed then head out so you can talk"I said
"You sure?"Nancy asked I nod then I go inside Ryders room getting back in my dress setting the clothes on his bed then I walk down as I exit I look back seeing the house.When I am walking home a few jocks are at the park as I pass I hear running
"What are you doing walking down this street alone?"They asked
"Nothing"I said
"You shouldn't be walking alone"They said I look at them
"I can handle myself"I said they look right at my shortness
"Where's Ryder?"They asked
"At his house I don't know I was at my aunts house"I said
"Ok then"They said
"Look I should get home"I said
"Wait can we say something?"They asked I nod
"Yeah"I said
"Ryder is a guy who realizes what he has when it's gone"They said
"I used to be the same way trust me but if I see it before he does I'll tell him"I said they nod then I keep walking.When I get home mom,dad and Amber all look at me
"How was your night?"Mom asked
"It was fine now what do you want?"I ask crossing my arms
"Don't you dare get snippy with us"Mom said
"What mom?"I asked looking at them they smirk
"We heard from Amber you have a boyfriend"Mom said
"And if I do?"I asked
"Then we have something to do about it"Dad said he's always been silent after he stopped drinking
"No you won't if I have a boyfriend it's fine do you know how many Amber has had?!"I asked
"Yes we do but your different then Amber"Mom said
"How am I different!?"I asked mad
"Your not our biological daughter but you will be taking over everything we have worked for"Dad said I feel a sting in my heart when they said that.I look at them as my heart hurts.

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