04 | i'm sorry now

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Dear Princess,

i won't remember this in the morning

i'll be to drunk.

your mom is dead now.

reality has become to much

i see why you left.

i would say i'm sorry

but that won't bright you back

so i'll say i'm one reason why

you are in a coffin at the age of 17.

because i am your father

and i should have defended you

but i didn't

i let you die.

i saw the bruises

the cuts

the tear stained cheeks

and lifeless eyes

and i played ignorant

because ignorance is bliss.

but in the end it caused death

your death, my princess.

i wish i could take it back but i

can't and so for my

ignorance i am sorry.

i'll try and not make the same mistake with
your brother.

but i already know i'm failing like i did with you.

goodbye my princess,
an ignorant father

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