11 | i'm bleeding now (2)

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Dear Dead Sister,

yes, it's you one and only alive brother.

although not for long i plan on joining you and mom soon.

the physical trauma and mental pain has
become to much.

dad doesn't understand because he drowns
his sorrows in alcohol and bar fights.

I went on a date last night.

he was really nice.

that's what i thought anyway.

he took me out side and tried to pay
me to give him a blowjob.

i said no, he then pushed me into the dirt and pulled of my clothes.

he saw the scars, he took pictures of me

they were all over the college campus

a few could be found in the high school.

they don't care that you died anymore it's been half a year since you died.

they've all forgotten.

no one understands anymore.

they just laughed a few called me a man whore and slut.

the homophobic slurs were worse.

guess our small town doesn't accept people for being the real them.

i should have stayed at home.

i thought it was what i needed to keep me living

but i'm going to kill myself this week.

i'm sorry, i've failed you.

sorry again for the blood.

i'm bleeding out now,
your—hopefully—dead brother.

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