Goodbye (warning may have a little bit of feels)

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Goodbye is one of those words that sounds sweet. Your bidding someone good things, but also you won't see them for awhile.

Goodbye is something you hate saying to someone you truly love.

Goodbye is hard to say.

"Goodbye." Blaine said looking at his soul mate. Laying down, he looks like he's asleep. The engagement ring is showing, it sparkles like when Blaine first got it for him, his hair is immaculate like always, and this clothes fit him so well it's like he picked it out himself. He did. He also wrote the note Burt and Finn decided had to be on the little program things.

Blaine read the original, as he was the one who found him, hanging.

'I'm sorry I bothered you all with my problems. I don't want to get in the way any longer. Don't even bother with a funeral, no body will come. I'm just as useless as a speck of dust on the tv. Don't cry that I'm gone, smile because you no longer have to worry about my weak ass getting in the way of your dreams... Goodbye.' The note read.

Blaine couldn't sit down. He had to be close to Kurt. He could wake up at anytime, and he wants the first person he sees to be him. So many people tried to comfort him, like the kids from glee club, his parents actually, and of course; Kurt's parents. Even if they were emotionally hurt, they knew Blaine was about the same, or even worse then Burt.

"I wish I could of stayed home. Why now when he was out of high school and so close to finishing NYADA?" Blaine whispered looking at his pale face.

"I don't know sweetie." Carole said putting her hand on Blaine's shoulder.

"Today is suppose to be our wedding day, but instead we are burying him." Right as Carole was about to say something a song came on. Not just any song but a special one.

"I know we are here for a terrible reason. But we decided today you need to hear this song. I'm truly sorry about this." Rachel said giving Blaine a hug.

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings?
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

When Blaine heard the words he couldn't help but sob into Rachel's shoulder. They were going to sing this song today. They were going to sing this every year. This and Teenage Dream are their songs.

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

"Please turn it off." Blaine whispered again as he let go or Ms. Berry. She herself had tears in her eyes as she said she would. He couldn't never listen to those songs again, it wouldn't be possible.


"Goodbye." Blaine whispered as he was put six feet in the ground. Blaine stayed on the chair until someone told him he needed to leave.

"I love you." He looked into the grave with his hands shoved in his pocket. "I'll come and visit you. Just don't give them a hard time." He cracked a sad, broken smile as he turned and started to walk to the car.

He looked back and saw the grave. It was double because when Blaine dies. He's going to be buried next to him. No matter if he ever gets married. He'll always love Kurt more.

"What station?" Blaine asked.

Quickly he realized, he will never be asking Kurt what he wanted to listen to. He'll never ask what he wants to eat or drink, he'll never ask if he hid his hair gel, he can never wake up early and make him breakfast.

Blaine will never be able to kiss Kurt ever again.

Kurt is no longer here.

Kurt's gone.


"Goodbye" he said one last time before driving away.


Hey. Well if you hate me after this it's fine. I hate myself for writing it, but it was on my mind and if I didn't write it I'd be upset with myself.



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