22. Legroom

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so i know i've said in previous one-shots that anne, w.d., and phillip didn't go on tour because of anne's injury butttttt while writing this i had forgotten (i'm smart lol), so this is just another AU

it's pretty iffy tbh, I didn't know what to write for the life of me ahaha


The oddities all gather at the circus, bags packed and comfortable clothes thrown on. Long hair is pulled up into messy updos and facial hair is unshaven. The room is buzzing with energy, no one speaking higher than a few decibels above a whisper, as if talking or shouting would ruin the excitement.

Today they leave for their first stop on the Barnum & Carlyle Circus Tour.

"Alright, everyone," P.T. says, clapping his hands to get everybody's attention. A smile is unmistakable on his face. "We've got a four-hour train ride awaiting from here to Boston, so let's get a move on!"

Cheers are elicited, and Phillip takes Anne by surprise as he picks her up and twirls her around. She screams a little.

"What was that for?" she asks, giddily laughing as her feet hit the ground.

"I'm just excited is all," he answers, pearly whites glistening even in the dim lighting.

Anne smiles in reply, reaching down to grab her duffel. Phillip picks up his own, then takes their shared suitcase, holding out his free hand for his girlfriend to take. Together, they follow everyone else out to the carriages.

"Well. I think we know who's sharing a cart," Lettie jokes when she sees the two emerge from the tent, and nearly everyone starts chuckling.

Anne just rolls her eyes. "Oh, back off," she says playfully, "I think we all knew that from the very beginning."

"Everyone except you," Phillip mutters under his breath, and Anne swats him in the chest.

W.D. and Constantine help load all of the luggage into several carriages lining the street for as far as the eye can see. Several news reporters with their bright flashing cameras stand behind the barricades, shouting questions at the oddities.

Nobody can keep the smiles off their faces.

"After you, m'lady," Phillip says dramatically, holding out his hand for Anne to hold onto to get into one of the empty carriages, several down from the circus.

Anne shakes her head, rolling her eyes, "You're just letting the reporters eat us up, aren't you?"

Phillip just smirks in reply.

The ride to the train station must look like a funeral procession, a collection of at least sixty carriages (nearly every one in the city), overflowing with people and luggage. Basically the entire world knows that the circus is embarking on their tour, so Anne guesses that it's no surprise when onlookers see the caravan.

Anne, Phillip, W.D., and Lettie are mostly quiet throughout the ride, just staring out the window in anticipation at the passing people and buildings, until the train station comes into view. Lettie lets out a loud whoop, and everyone laughs in reply -- even from some of the other carriages.

"This is so crazy," Phillip whispers to Anne, and she just nods.

"All of this is," she agrees, her voice loud enough for W.D. and Lettie to hear, too. "I just hope we have more legroom on the train is all."

Everyone laughs at that as they look down towards the non-existent floor of the carriage, filled with more suitcases and duffels and backpacks. All of their legs are pulled up underneath them, and, though they don't voice it, they all know that it's going to be just as bad on the train.

"It just gives us all reason to cuddle up a little more," Phillip jokes, pulling Anne to his chest.

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