[Chapter Thirteen] Mari

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Chapter Thirteen – Mari

I ran out of there and went home. I showered and I looked in the mirror and sighed in relief when there was no bruising yet and I cried. I left the streets because of this shit and I never thought he was capable of this; he was around my fucking daughter yesterday!

I was baking banana bread to keep myself calm when there was a knock at my door and I rushed to open it and went to slam it shut when he put his hand out.

“I’ll call the police.” I told him

“Please Mari.” He said

“No and don’t call me again. You said you wouldn’t just show up here.” I hissed angrily

“She’s still at school.” He pushed his way in and he stood in front of me.

“What fucking right do you have to be in my house without permission?” I yelled angrily

“None.” He said and I smacked his had away when he reached out to look at my neck

“Leave.” i pointed at the door like it would magically make him leave.

“I had to make sure you were okay.” He told me and the timer went off which caused me to go into the other room to pull the bread out of the oven.

“Leave or I will fucking stab you.” I snapped at him, he had a temper? Well I had one that’s been being buried for eight years. He grabbed his knife and flicked it open which made me swallow hard. He tossed it on the table towards me

“Fine, you can try.” He held his hands open and I looked at the knife sitting about two inches from my hand and then to him

“Why give me this?” I asked

“If you need to feel safer around me then there; now you have it and I don’t but you know as well as I do that no matter what you used there is no fucking way you’re going to stab me you would probably hurt yourself more than you would hurt me.” I picked it up and touched the tip and it was very sharp

“You have a gun.” I pointed out and he pulled it out which also worried me. He did a bunch of things and took the bottom out and tossed that on the table too.

“No bullets.” He put the gun on the table beside him.

“What if I know how to use a gun, now I have the bullets.” I said

“You don’t but fine, try to shoot Me.” he shrugged like it meant nothing to him.

“Why are you here?” I asked

“To tell you I’m sorry and make sure that you’re okay.” I put the knife back down and looked at him.

“Why do you care?” i was just some whore he paid, i meant nothing to anyone, especially him.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” he told me

“Then why did you?” I asked

“Because I don’t do well when people touch my shoulder or chest and I don’t do well in violent situations.”

“You caused the violent situation.” I said annoyed

“I know. My doctor said I have PTSD and it’s not an excuse for hurting you but it is an explanation.”

“What happened?” I asked

“You know what happened; I told Lalexia I got shot.”

“Leave my daughter out of this.” I wanted to smack him again he sighed and pulled his shirt over his head and for the first time I saw his chest. There was heavy scaring and the worst of it was on his shoulder. There were angry looking scars all over his body.

“What happened.” I asked

“I told you I got shot. The bleeding was my stitches reopening.” He looked at his shoulder and I looked at him with wide eyes

“Why show me? You could have just found another hooker.”

“Because I injured you and you deserve to know why.” He told me and I looked at him and I picked up his knife and held it back out to him. He easily shut it and pocketed it again.

“And this scar?” I asked

“Someone got close to me when we were under attack and slashed a knife at me after I had gotten shot.”

“How didn’t he kill you?” I asked

“I got my hands on him and slit his throat. Now please don’t ask me any more about that shit.” He told me and I nodded. So he’s killed people before.

“Does it hurt?” I asked

“Yes. I don’t like to talk about the shit I’ve gone through and just because I’ve killed people in combat before doesn’t mean I make a habit of harming people.” he said defensively and he looked very uncomfortable right now.

“Why tell me all of this?” I asked him

“I don’t know. If I waited an hour I probably wouldn’t have. I make habits of making rushed decisions.” He informed me. I reached my hand out slowly and he flinched but didn’t move away. I ran my fingers over the huge scar and he clenched his jaw  

I dropped my hand and stepped back.

“You should go.” I told him and he tossed me some money

“I’ll leave it up to you to meet me tomorrow night.” He reached and grabbed the bullets before doing more things and putting it back together and he left.

I didn’t know what to do now. I was angry but I don’t know why I felt the need to give him a hug for what he told me after what he did to me. Maybe I was just stupid. 

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