[Chapter Sixty-Two] Shawn

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Chapter Sixty-Two – Shawn

After everyone left that night once we finished dinner and played some games, I actually felt happy. I was furious when I saw them at the door and was ready to kill the beautiful woman cooking in the kitchen but now, now I could understand why she did it and it was very sweet of her and after that night things got turned upside down very quickly.

The next morning Marla came to me and she looked upset.

"You forgave her?" she had asked me and I just kind of looked at her.

"What do you mean?" We've had too many issues we're working through to possibly know what she was talking about.

"For cheating on you." she said and my jaw tightened and I tensed, sure I had forgiven her but it didn't mean that I liked being reminded of it, made me want to drag her to the bedroom yet again to remind her that he could never satisfy her like I can.

"She told you?" I asked her and she nodded

"She said I needed to hear it from her before I left with him."

"Are you still leaving with him?" I asked her and she shrugged

"No." she said and I sighed, I didn't want her not to go.

"I think you should go. They made a mistake but he needs to move on, Mari is the past for him, you're not. He is her past, I'm her future. I know that and when she told me about what happened and that's when I told her about us." I said and she sighed and looked at her ringing phone.

"I told him I wasn't coming and he's been calling and texting me." so I grabbed her phone and answered it myself.

"Hey, Mari told her about California, let her be for a bit and she'll call you back, goodbye." I hung up and she yanked the phone from my hand

"Asshole." She mumbled

"You'll go." I said and she frowned at me, I annoyed the hell out of her but the feeling was mutual.

"You don't know that." She folded her arms across her fake chest.

"Yes I do, you'll calm down and you'll go." I told her and she rolled her eyes and left. But do you know what? I was right.

The next morning Mari had talked to her and she called Ed to tell him she was coming and I hoped again that he would move on because I knew if it were Mari who said she wouldn't be coming he would have done more than call, he would have flown out here.

The second thing that both sent my world into a spin and brightened my day at the same time came four days after that night.

I was sitting on the couch when she and Lex came in with boxes and I looked at them curiously.

"What are those for?" I asked her and she smiled nervously

"Moving?" she said softly and the cute shy look on her face made it even better as it came out like a question.

"Moving where?" I asked as I stood up off the couch and went over to her hoping to hear those words I so desperately wanted to hear her say.

"I hope you were serious about us moving in." was her reply and I kissed her sweet lips.

"I am. When?" I asked her

"Well we need to find a place first and I'll start packing tomorrow." She said and I couldn't believe those words, she was moving in with me finally!

"It would have to be an apartment in case I get moved; we would have to be married to qualify for a house." I wished we could buy a house, I would love to and maybe if this were truly home we would and just have it no matter what but this wasn't for either of us.

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