[Chapter Thirty-Seven] Mari

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Dedicated to my new silent reader, not sure how far you are though. lol

Chapter Thirty-Seven – Mari

This whole thing was starting to feel a whole lot like a relationship and I don't know if I was really comfortable with that, I mean, Ed was still a client and he would be here in a few weeks and I would probably let him know it was the last time I would see him and it would be great money since I would have to move.

I was finishing classes and I since my teacher felt I did so well she was going to try to get me into a place with an old friend of hers but I wouldn't be making the money I was now so Marla said her lease is coming up and we could get an place together so I was going to be leaving this place probably this month, thankfully it was a rental and I let the owners know and they said they were sad to see me leave, I was sad to see me leave.

I've lived here five years now and the owners were a middle aged couple who were the sweetest people but I guess it was time to move on.

I finished making dinner and Lex pulled herself from the couch long enough to eat and have medicine and then Shawn carried her upstairs for me and I changed her and tucked her in, not even fussy about brushing teeth or taking a shower.

She fell right to sleep clutching her bear and I sat beside her running my hands through her curly hair.

"She's been sleeping most the day." He told me and I looked over at him forgetting he was here.

"She doesn't do well when she's sick." She hated being sick and she didn't get sick often but when she did it was usually pretty bad.

"I'm glad I could help today." I kissed her warm forehead and shut the door quietly

"Thank you for that, I don't know what I would have done if I missed that final today." I sighed and headed back down stairs to clean up dinner.

"Don't." he put his arms around me as I stepped into the kitchen

"I don't leave a dirty kitchen." I told him and I tried to walk farther into the kitchen and he held me tighter and ran his mouth over my exposed shoulder

"I'll clean the kitchen, do me a favor and take a bath or shower and relax." He turned me towards the stairs

"Shawn, it's my house." I protested

"Please just for once, don't argue. You're tired, just pretend you listen to what I say and do it." he said and I smiled but I looked at him and he pushed me lightly towards the stairs and I did as he said and I took a quick shower before filling up the tub and relaxing into the hot water.

Shawn came up later and handed me a glass of root beer and I laughed lightly, it was the only beer I drank now.

"I checked on her, her fevers going down and she's sound asleep."

"Careful Shawn you make it sound like you care about us." I teased

"I do care Mari, you just refuse to see that." This man was so fucking confusing and I don't know why he decided to stick with me, I was a fucking whore for crying out loud.

"Come on." He held out a towel and wrapped it around me when I got out

"I'm so tired." I groaned, usually when I do my little complaining no one is here to listen, it's kind of weird that he is. It's even stranger to me that it feels normal for him to be here, that I let him watch Lex, that he stays for dinner, that without talking about it he's already in a pair of shorts with 'Army' written on them ready for bed.

"No clothes for you." he said when I went to pull a shirt on and I was standing in only a pair of lacey underwear.

"What?" I asked and he pulled me down onto the bed

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