Step One: stare at him until he gets creeped out

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Nico would love to say that he and Will hit it off as soon as they met.

He would love to say that when they got the chance to speak, conversation flowed smoothly, and they laughed and became friends quickly.

But, sadly, that's not at all how it went.

It was more of him staring at Will while he and his boyfriend, Percy, talked. The thing about Percy is that, at first, he was an amazing boyfriend to have, he would hang out with Nico whenever he got the chance and he was just so amazingly caring.

But, as the years have gone by, Percy got more and more distant, only hanging out with Nico when he had to or wanted to. He was no longer as caring as he used to be. Now, well, now he was an ass.

When Nico needed help, or he wasn't thinking the best or happiest thoughts, Percy would shrug him off in favor of hanging out with Jason Grace, and Nico was about ninety percent sure he was cheating on him with Jason, or he at least liked Jason but felt too guilty to break up with Nico.

He isn't sure why he hasn't broken up with Percy yet. Maybe he was too scared?

Nico sighed, looking off to the side and just wanting to go home. He leaned slightly into Percy's side, feeling his arm wrap around his waist. He felt oddly like a child waiting for their parent to finish talking, but he didn't really mind since he was zoned out.

He felt Percy laughing, and he looked up at Will. His eyes were on Percy though, so Nico took the opportunity to just look.

Will's hair was just barely curled at the ends and it was a pretty golden color. It framed his face rather well, which didn't look too shabby if he says so himself. He had a lot of freckles, and his eyes were a beautiful blue.

His nose was slightly upturned and his shirt was annoyingly yellow, but it seemed to fit him and his personality well. Nico smiled at the way his shoes were covered in little suns with smiles and sunglasses, again, it fit him well.

Looking at his arms, Nico wasn't disappointed. Will was built well, and Nico wondered what he would look like without a shirt, maybe even a bit sweaty. . .

He shook the image from his head. He looks back up to his face, content with just looking. Will catches his eyes, and Nico blushes, looking in the opposite direction.

He sees Will shift from the corner of his eye, and he glances back up at him.

His eyes trace over his defined jawline, so sharp it could cut. He watched as he blinked, how his long golden eyelashes fluttered.

Will glanced at Nico again, and his smile dimmed slightly. Nico looked down at his hands, curling his fingers in his sleeves.

He glances up a second later. His smile is duller, but it's still blinding. Pearly whites shining through soft, pink, plump lips.

Nico could probably stare at his lips for hours, they just looked so pretty and kissable. Nico shook his head, frowning.

He looked at Will again, though. His blue eyes, like calm ocean waters on a sunny day. Truly beautiful, if you asked him.

It takes Nico a couple of seconds to realize, but those ocean blues were looking at him, his golden eyebrows furrowed. Percy nudges him, and Nico blinks.

"What?" he asked. He heard Percy sigh, and Nico resisted the urge to curl in on himself.

"Um, I'm Will," he said.

"Nico," he mumbled in response, loving the sound of his voice more than his lips. Will nodded, gripped at his book bag straps, and said something about babysitting his little sister, then left.

Percy sighed beside him, and Nico looked up at him. He looked annoyed, but when he was with Nico, he usually did.

"If you're gonna check someone out at least do it when I'm not around," Percy grumbled, walking away from him.

Nico opened his mouth, ready to retort, but thought better of it and closed his mouth again. Instead, he curled his hand up in his ripped jeans and watched him walk out of the building.


How to Seduce Will Solace: Step by Step with Nico Di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now