Step Seven: Become friends with him

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It took Nico weeks on end to actually get over Percy.

He wasn't sure why, exactly, but at the same time he knew why. For a great portion of their relationship, though, he was unhappy.

But he could only really think about the positive stuff. Like when they first got together, Nico had quite literally cried because he was happy. There first date, it was to the movies and Percy hadn't let go of his hand the entire time. Or there first kiss, which was at the beach.

He had honestly thought he loved Percy, he had thought that they were going to be with each other in the future.

Will had helped him, he talked to Nico about all this, and it served to make Nico feel better. Nico told Will things he hadn't told anyone before, like how Percy actually treated him when no one was around, and Will had said it sounded like he was getting verbally abused.

At first, Nico had thought he was crazy, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense to him.

Nico sighed, running a hand through his hair as he stares up at his ceiling. It really did surprised him with how long it took him to get over Percy. How wonders idly how Percy is doing, but doesn't spend to much time thinking about it. Because more than likely, he's with Jason, and only the gods knew what they could be doing.

Nico groaned, sitting up in his bed. He needed to stop thinking about Percy so much.

On the bright side though, he has become a lot closer to Will. He also still gets to hang out with his other friends. A couple days after he broke up with Percy, they had asked what he meant, how Percy was really treating him, and he told them. Not in full detail, of course, he kept a few things out, such as him hitting and threatening to hit him, so they weren't mad at him or anything.

Which was stupid, when he thought about it, why would they be mad at him for breaking up with Percy anyway? And why the hell would he keep that Percy is an abusive asshole to himself?

He had ended up getting a ride to and from school with Will, which was nice because he didn't have a car and he hated the bus. One of the perks of dating Percy, he guesses. Nico takes a deep breath, stop thinking of Percy.

His phone dings, and he looks over at it.

It's a text from Will, asking if he wanted to come over, and he quickly typed out a yes. He sits up, stretching his arms above his head with a quiet yawn. He puts his arms down when he feels that satisfying pop in his back.

He gets dressed quickly, running a hand through his hair in favor of combing it. He then puts on shoes, going downstairs. Hades is on the couch, working on his laptop, and Nico hesitantly walks up to him.

"Can I borrow the car?" He asks when Hades looks up expectantly, and frowns at the request.

"Where are you going?" He asks. Nico shrugs.

"Just to hang out with a friend," he says.

"Which friend?" Nico internally groans.

"You don't really know him," he explains, "we've only really been talking for a few weeks."

"Him?" He asks, "it's awfully fast to move on from your boyfriend of-"

"I haven't- I don't- ugh, dad please just stop, I don't like Will like that, can't I have friends?"

"Sure, you can, but you don't usually hang out with people you've know for a month, much less two weeks."

"Is that a no?" Nico asks instead, crossing his arms as his cheeks turn pink. Hades waves his hand, reaching over and grabbing the key from the side table.

"Be careful," he said. And Nico huffed out an 'okay,' and 'thank you.'

Walking outside, he let out a huff of air, taking his phone out and asking Will to send his address, because he's never been to his house before.

Will sent it not much later, and asked if he needed a ride, to which Nico declined.

When he was walking through the doors of Will's house, he couldn't help but smile. Will's house was definitely smaller than his, but the love was practically oozing from the walls.

Will had led him upstairs to his room, closing the door softly behind him.

"So, when were you going to tell me you were rich?" Will asked, and Nico frowned, turning to face him.


"Most people don't go to friend's house driving their luxurious sports car," he said, gesturing towards the window to the car and smiling at Nico. Nico shrugged.

"It's my dad's car," he mumbled, shoving the key into his pocket. Will laughed, sitting on his bed.

"So, if you are loaded, how come you don't have you're own car?" Nico sits next to him, crossing his legs.

"My dad doesn't just buy me stuff. He wants me to know its value and all that junk." Will hums, resting his hands under his head as he looks up at the ceiling. Nico purses his lips, "Why am I here again?" Will shrugs, smiles at him.

"Why not?" He asks, and Nico rolls his eyes, but he has a small smile, so Will takes it as a win. Nico sighs and shifts so he's laying next to Will.

"So what do you usually do for fun?" Nico asks, and Will hums in thought.

"I like playing the ukulele and hanging out with my siblings," he says, looks over at Nico, "What about you?"

"I like reading, I guess," he mumbles after a minute, "my dad makes me study a lot. He's really big with education and stuff."

"My parents are, too, kind of. They don't make us study, but they really want us to go to college and get good grades."

"My dad's going to force me to go. Which, I mean, I want to go but," Nico pauses, "I don't know, just knowing that I don't really have a choice kind of sucks. I don't really get to choose what college either, he's already made that clear," he mutters bitterly.

"If you got the choice, what college would you go to?"

"Some college in Italy, probably," Nico sighs after a minute, "I really miss Italy." Will hums, looking back up at the ceiling.

"It'd be nice to go to Italy," Will says, "If I went I'd want to go to Venice. It's so pretty there and I want to ride one of the little boat things." Nico laughs, and Will glances over to his.

"I grew up in Florence, but we had family that lived in Capri, so we went there a lot," Nico says, smiling at the pleasant memories, "we went to Venice a lot, too. We were kind of all over Italy, it was pretty cool."

"Why'd you guys move to America?" Will asks, and Nico purses his lips, frowning as he thinks of what happened, to both his mom and his sister.

"My dad," he pauses, "It's-" He looks over briefly at Will, "Uh, it's actually kind of personal, but he thought we could be happier in America."

"Are you?" Nico thinks for a minute, staring at Will's ceiling.

"I don't know," he mumbles, "Since we moved here, I feel like I've grown apart from my family in Capri. It feels- well it's hard to explain," he pauses, "I feel like I'm trapped, almost. Like, it's just me and my dad. I feel stuck with him, and I know- we don't really have the best relationship, he makes me feel like I'm not enough sometimes, he doesn't really take interest in me, but if I left, I know he'd be really upset, and I can't do that to my dad, you know?" Will doesn't say anything, and Nico sighs, putting his hands over his face, "sorry."

"What? No, don't be sorry," He grabs Nico's hand when he moves them from his face, and Nico startles, but doesn't move to take it back. Nico looks up at the ceiling, letting out a sigh, and keeps his hand in Will's.


I don't like this chapter sorry

How to Seduce Will Solace: Step by Step with Nico Di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now