Step Five: Have him drive you to an ice cream parlor

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Nico pauses when he's half way to the library. He's feeling angry, and he's not sure why, but he knows he's angry at Percy.

Who the hell was he to tell Nico what to do? Who the hell was he to hit Nico? Who the fucking hell was he?

His jaw clenches, and he turns hotly on his heel, quickly walking to the cafeteria before he loses his nerve.

He scans the room as he opens the cafeteria doors, and walks over to the table Percy is at, laughing with their friends.

When Percy sees him walking towards them, he glared, and anxiety blooms in his chest. He continues walking though, determined.

When he's there, he hears greetings and people asking how he's been, but he looks at Percy, hands fisting into his sleeves.

"I'm breaking up with you," he says, the table going quiet. Percy rolls his eyes, starting to say something, but for once, Nico cuts him off, "we're done, I'm tired of you treating me like I don't matter-"

"I don't treat you-"

"You do," Nico says, "you only talk to me when you want to, and I when I have a legitimate reason for us not hanging out you make me feel like I'm wrong or a bad boyfriend. You tell me not to talk to people when I so much as glance at them-"

"Nico, you need to calm down, you're over-"

"No," Nico says, his voice raising, "I'm not. You're the bad person here, Percy. When ever I need someone to be there for me you brush me off and make me feel stupid for being upset. You're always telling me that you care about me or love me when I know you don't, if you did you wouldn't be mean to me or-" he wavered, wondering if he should bring up being slapped, but decided against it, "I'm done. We're done, Percy. It's not your decision at this point," he crosses his arm. He's surprised when he doesn't feel like crying, and he's even more surprised when he sees tears in Percy's eyes.

He's about to say something, to apologize, but stops himself. If Percy really cared about him and wanted to be with him, he would have treated Nico better. He would have been a better boyfriend. He wouldn't have made Nico feel stupid and alone. He wouldn't have hit Nico.

"Whatever," Percy says, standing up and walking off, presumably to the bathroom. Nico glances at the table, sees everyone's eyes on him, and swallows, walking back towards the library.


When the final bell rang, Nico pursed his lips. He had gotten a ride from Percy this morning, but he highly doubted he would drive Nico home. He frowned, fiddling with his bag as he stood outside.

It had slipped his mind, and the busses had already left. He sat on one of the benches, pulling out his phone.

He called his dad, and it went straight to voice mail. Nico pursed his lips, sending a message instead. It showed that his message had been read, but after minutes passed and he got no response, he internally groaned.

It's not the first time this had happened, Percy would ditch him for someone else and his father wouldn't pick him up. Usually, when that happened, he could catch a ride from Annabeth, Piper, or Reyna. But he doubts they would want to be around him after he dumped their friend in a school cafeteria.

Nico sighs, bringing his knees to his chest. He was probably going to have to walk, he figures. It's not that far, at least.

He looks over as Will sits next to him.

"Hey," he says, Nico looks at him, "what?" Will laughs.

"Nothing," Nico mumbles, looking off to the side. It's quite for a few minutes.

"So, I heard about you and Percy," Nico doesn't say anything, only continues to watch as cars pulls out of the school lot, "do you need a ride?"

Nico sighs, nods. Will smiles as he stands up, and Nico stands as well. He follows Will as he starts walking, and he lets himself get lost in his thoughts for a while.

He tells Will his address when he asks, and it takes him a while to realize that they aren't going the right way. He frowns, looking over at Will.

"What are we going?" He asks, Will glances over at him.

"To get ice cream."

"Why?" He asks, slightly annoyed. He shrugs, and Nico purses his lips, looking out the window again.

"Is that okay?" Will asks him. Nico hugs his knees to his chest, nods, and he can feel Will's smile. Suffocating in the small space of his car. Nico doesn't think he minds to much, though.

When they both have ice cream, Will leads them to an empty, two person booth. Nico awkwardly sits down, and Will takes a bite of his ice cream.


How to Seduce Will Solace: Step by Step with Nico Di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now