Step Ten (Final Step): Kiss him (preferably on the lips)

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Ear buds just like won't work on my phone anymore and my friend Is IGNORING ME WHY ARE PEOPLE SO COMPLICATED


The next morning, Nico woke up to his alarm and sighed.

Rolling out of bed, he quickly gets dressed, brushing his teeth and running a hand through his hair. He jogs down the stairs, just in time to see Hades leaving.

"Do you need anything before I go?" Hades asks, and Nico shakes his head, biting his tongue as he walks off. He gets a small cup of coffee before going and sitting on the couch, waiting for Will. 

It's a while later before his phone chimes, a text from Will stating that he's here. He quickly downs the rest of his coffee, setting the mug on the coffee table (he'll clean it up later) and grabbing his bag before going outside.

He doesn't say anything as he closes the door to Will's car. Will raises an eyebrow as Nico shoves his bag into the back seat.

"You okay?"

"My dad grounded me," he mumbles. Shifting and looking back up front.

"Is that all?" Will asks, "because you look kind of-" Nico frowns, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from Will.

"I'm fine," he says, snappy on accident. Nico sinks down in his seat, and it's a full minute before he hears a sigh, then Will's shifting the gears of his car, backing out of the drive way.

The drive is short, quiet and awkward. When Will parks, he quickly gets out of the car, muttering a short thank you before walking towards the school, ahead of Will.

Will sighs, slinging his back pack over his shoulder as he watches Nico walk. He bites his lip, shutting the door and locking the car, walking off towards the school.

Nico basically ignores Will through out his classes, and he isn't one hundred percent sure why. It's when they're changing classes when Will grabs his arm. He gets dragged into an empty classroom, much to his dismay. He huffs as Will closes the door, shrinking in on himself and feeling a bubble of guilt settle in his as Will turns to glare at him.

"What the heck?" Will asks, and Nico crosses his arms, not looking at him.

"What?" He asks innocently.

"Nico," Will says, and his face flashes from angry to upset, but he covers it quickly, "are you serious? You're angry at me or something, you've been avoiding me."

"I-" Nico huffs, letting his hands drop to his sides, "It's not- I don't know," he groans, lying easily. But he couldn't just tell Will he was avoiding him because he liked him- for so many different reasons. Will sighs, gently grabbing one of Nico's hands. Nico flushes. Will does that a lot, and he doesn't know if he likes it or not.

"If I did something, just tell me," he mumbles, thumb going in circles on Nico's knuckle. Nico swallows, taking his hand from Will's warm one and putting it his his jacket pocket.

"It's not- It's not something you did," Nico says, and Will's expression softens, "it's partially my dad, and partially something that I- I can't tell you."

"You can talk to me," Will says, his voice soft and as quiet as a whisper, "we're friends, and I'm here for you if you need me, Nico." He lets out a slightly annoyed breath in response.

"I've known you for, what, a month now?" Will frowns.

"So?" Will asks, crossing his arms.

"That's not," Nico clenches his jaw, that's not enough time to like someone, "that isn't close to enough time to trust someone, Will," he groans, running a hand through his hair. Will's frown deepens.

How to Seduce Will Solace: Step by Step with Nico Di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now