#1 - Girl Without A World

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Rikki Barnes, the girl without a world, found herself living in a warehouse on a planet she didn't originate from. The young woman was from a duplicate earth on the opposite side of the sun dubbed Counter-Earth. This earth was created in a pocket universe by Franklin Richards the son of Reed and Sue Richards of the Fantastic Four in order to save the heroes who sacrificed themselves to defeat the sentient psionic entity Onslaught.

"Hmm..." moaned Rikki as she rifled through some old boxed of clothes.

During her time on Counter-Earth she became the crime fighting partner to Captain America, one of the heroes that were reborn after sacrificing himself. Named Bucky, she fought alongside Captain America against the Red Skull and the World Party to stop them from taking over the world. When Counter-Earth was threatened to be destroyed by the celestials Captain America and the other heroes reborn were forced to return to their original home. This left Rikki to defend the world against evil alone until she met other heroes to form the Young Allies.

The Allies battled against Dr. Doom and the Atlanteans and then teamed with the Thunderbolts to stop the World Party once more and then with the Exiles to fight Proteus. But recently a new threat has risen, that of a group referring to themselves as the Insect Kingdom. Rikki and the other Young Allies attempted to leave Counter-Earth to find help but only Rikki managed to get through.

Can't go running around in this raggedy old costume, she thought. But then again don't know if Cap will see a girl in normal street clothes. I have to talk to him even if he doesn't remember me. I need help to save my home and to warn of the threat here.

Upon arriving on the original earth she came across more of the Insect Kingdom, including the hero Araña. She's tried to stay hidden in hopes of not tipping them off of her existence. The most important task for her was to find Steve Rogers.

"This will work," she said as she began to change clothes.

She lifted her Bucky uniform revealing a number of bumps and bruises. The worst of course was bandaged on her forehead. The last battle she had been involved with was more than her or her Young Allies could withstand. The bleeding had stopped luckily, but she could still use some medical treatment. Nothing in the world could reason with her right now. She was off to find Captain America.


Rikki walked with the New Yorkers as if she were one of them. Technically she was, only her New York was on another planet. Her search had no planned destination. She was hoping to at least find something that would lead her to the Captain. She walked down the sidewalk with her hands in her jacket pockets hoping to keep a low profile.

This place is so different from home, she thought. It's so lively around here. Of course my New York is flooded. But this place still has an insect problem.

Moving along she came across a newsstand. She didn't think of stopping but a particular image from today's Daily Bugle caught her attention. The front page was titled with the Avengers name in it. She thought surely Cap would be with the Avengers. The image on the front page showed Iron Man with Nightcrawler, Storm, and a few other Avengers but most importantly there was Captain America. There was a problem though. This wasn't the Captain America she knew.

"What, who is that?" the costume was that of Captain America but behind the mask was a man of a darker complexion. "That's not Steve Rogers."

"Have you been under a rock of something?" asked a young Hispanic woman standing next to her. "Steve Rogers passed away some time ago."

"What!?" asked Rikki. "It can't be."

"You're not looking too good," said the young woman. "My name is Anya Corazon, maybe I can help you."

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