#3 - Wasp Dominion Part 4

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Nomad and her team stood down a street unfamiliar to them. They stood spread out a bit as they took in the sights of what should be Manhattan, New York. But this city wasn't Manhattan at all. It was at least two times bigger. Mettle talked with Hazmat to try and recall what had just happened. The American Panther walked over to his sister Monica who was in a modified version of Iron Man's armor, reshaped to fit her form. She adopted the codename Rescue as her secret identity.

"Please tell me you have something?" asked the Panther. "Some kind of readings that can tell us what the hell just happened."

"I'm sorry," she turned her head with a robotic sound. "My sensors were fried when everything went white. They seem to be fine now but I have no idea what happened. Also my systems aren't registering this city. There are no recognizable landmarks. I can't even get a link to the Rescue Inc. mainframe."

"So our company is gone?" he asked only to receive silence from her.

"Dude, this city is wicked," said Mettle. "Every turn makes you feel more and more lost."

"Is this craziness what I signed up for?" Hazmat questioned. "Fighting giant bugs and having the world changed to this strange place?"

"I should have taken that wasp out when I had the chance," Nomad was being hard on herself. "We could have used her to track whoever did this."

"There's no way we would have known this would happen," American Panther chimed in. "I guess the bugs were more of a threat than we expected. We'll figure something out. I think it would be best if we get moving, if we stay in one place for too long they're bound to find us."

"Right," Nomad agreed. "Allies, let's move out."


Araña and her friends walked along the rat infested sewers. Like the Young Allies they were placed on this strange earth. However, unlike them they had an explanation for what happened. Araña's mage Miguel Legar had the answers.

"The wasp lord knows many forbidden spells," he began. "This one had never been used before seeing as there had never been the right materials to complete it. The spell is meant to merge two worlds to form a new one. On the other side of the sun a Counter-Earth was created by the son of the Fantastic Four's Reed and Sue Richards. Hechicero took the two earths and fused them together."


The sky went from its usual bright blue to a blinding white. The white light from the sky hit the earth and enveloped everything in sight. Araña would be whited-out before screaming for Hechicero to stop. Miguel was next. In Brooklyn the Garcia siblings saw what was happening. Estrella hugged her brother as they faded into the light. Armory, in Queens, pulled strands of webbing from her shoulders and looked at Apocrita who had been taken out by Spider-Man, she vanished into the light. The Goblin and the Bastards of Evil in the Bronx were next. Finally on Staten Island Hormiga and the nameless spider hero were gone.

The whole planet was covered by this light. In space the planet shined so brightly that you could see it from the sun. And on the other side of the fiery giant was another planet glowing the same as earth, it was Counter-Earth. Their orbits were then altered and the two planets moved closer to each other.

Amidst the light Hechicero marveled at his achievement. The moment he waited for so long was happening. But of course someone always must meddle with the villain's plans. A flash of pink light appeared revealing the ghostly appearance of Sofia Corazon, Anya's mother. He yelled in anger only to be left unheard. She vanished.

She reappeared again on Counter-Earth grabbing the left behind members of the Young Allies. She then jumped to the original earth and picked up Nomad and the new Young Allies. Then she got Armory, Hormiga, and the others who were fighting the wasp. She then appeared behind the Garcia twins and wrapped her arms around her beloved god-children. Her final act was getting to her daughter. Anya felt the warm touch of her mother but did not know it was her. The only one to see her other than Hechicero was Miguel who used to be her mage, he could sense her anywhere.

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