#7 - Fight For Your Freedom Part 4

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The Young Allies haven't been a team for too long. They in fact were just getting started. The plan, at least James Miles' plan, was for the team to use the upper levels of Rescue Inc. Tower as their base of operations. The lower part of the building was where their business operated. This was where most of their projects were worked on. It was almost like a normal day at work for everyone. People worked on their projects not aware that their bosses haven't been heard from in days.

In one room, which was cluttered with all kinds of devices, a woman in her early twenties dug through the mess that was her office. The nameplate on her desk was still visible. It read 'Hannah Shade'. The only other thing that was visible in this mess was her cellphone that sat on her desk. The phone was ringing with the screen reading 'Ethan Townsend'.

"What?!" she finally answered after letting it ring for a long time.

"Jeez, glad I decided to call you," said Ethan over the phone.

Hannah dropped her head back. "Sorry, my morning's not going so well. What do you need?"

"Did you have your coffee this morning?" Ethan was both joking and being serious at the same time. "Look have you heard from James or Monica?"

"No actually." She lifted her head back up a bit confused. "Monica's usually the first one in the building and the last to leave. Maybe she's out handling business with her brother. I'll give her a call."

"Don't I already tried multiple times," insisted Ethan. "I need you to come meet me up at the top floor."

"The top floor?" she questioned. "Of this building? You know half the building is sealed off from us. Only James and Monica have access to that part of the building."

"Just come up here," he requested.

Hannah walked to an elevator while putting her long red hair into a ponytail. Once inside she tried pressing the buttons to get to the top floor. They didn't work. She looked away annoyed. Just than the elevator began moving by itself. She wasn't sure how it was moving by itself. The elevator climbed all the way to the top and opened for Hannah to see Ethan standing waiting.

"Took you long enough," he said.

Hannah was annoyed. "Hey, you called me up here. Now are you gonna tell me what the deal is with this place?"

"Look I'm only bringing you up here because Monica trusts you and i need a better hacker than myself," he explained. "I told James to just give me access to their network. This is where the new superhero team the Young Allies operate or are supposed to. They only recently came together and now they're missing."

"Wait that team with Araña and that female Captain America sidekick?" she asked.

"Yes, that team." Ethan signalled for her to follow him. "If you're gonna help come this way."

He would bring her to the Young Allies' communications room where she would inspect the different computers to see what she was dealing with. When she found what she needed she went to work. Ethan sat next to her and watched as she managed to hack into the computer network.

"None of their comms are online but I am picking up an S.O.S. that's unfamiliar to this system," explained Hannah. 

"Can you trace that S.O.S.?" he asked just as she started doing so.

The large monitor above them followed the call for help and ended at a building. The computer was unable to identify the building. Hannah's next idea was to try and hack any surveillance cameras that might be in the area. Through one camera they see three costumed heroes standing outside the side of the building.

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