If you want a place to calm down your anger, you have come to almost the right place.
If you wanna laugh, grin or at least smile even the size of a needle point), read this book.
This book consists of some incidents, conversation, etc., which takes...
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A good laugh is a mighty good thing, a rather too scarce a good thing. - Herman Melville
A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, overflows, and bubbles all around. - Carolyn Birmingham
If Laughter cannot solve your problems, it will definitely DISSOLVE your problems; so that you can think clearly what to do about them - Dr. Madan Kataria
Laugh my friend, for laughter ignites a fire within the pit of your belly and awakens your being. -Stella & Blake
The old man laughed loud and joyously, shook up the details of his anatomy from head to foot, and ended by saying that such a laugh was money in a man's pocket, because it cut down the doctor's bills like everything. - "Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain
I don't know if this book will make you laugh. But I can promise that you will have a smile at the end of the time when you finish reading a page!
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Hmmmm.. Then, that's it, I guess.
Nothing more to add, subtract or divide.. But I guess that I'd multiply as time passes.. 😉 😝 😁 😄
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