chap 6

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Next Day

Twist Pov:

i woke up and i seen camille sleep on my arms. She was sleepy so peacefully. this girl is just right. i didn't want to wake her up so i quietly removed my arm and left the room. I wanted to spend the day with her in the house. 

camille- *gets up and goes to twist room* i see you already dress.

twist- yea... i wanna have a chill day today babe.

camille- alright. but why you dress like you about to leave?

twist- imma go to the store and get popcorn and candy and other shit.

camille- *laugh* alright well i'll be in the shower. Call me if you need me. be careful

twist- alright babe. see you in a lil bit. love you

camille- love you too.

I walk down the staires and seen drake and nicki luggage...i wonder where they are going.

twist- hey

drake and nicki- hey twist.

twist- where yall going?

drake- we are going to miami for a little bit. we have a show there.

twist- alright

nicki- don't mess up this house and be careful.

twist- will do.

*camille comes down the staires*

camille- uhhhh nicki and drake where yall going?

nicki- we are going to miami... we have a show there.

camille- ohhh ok. why didnt yall tell me you had a show?

nicki- you never asked duhhh

camille- shut up! nick! 

nicki- *laughs* well behave and don't do nothing you will regret.

camille-alright. bye.

drake and nicki- bye

*and with that they left*

Twist- alright i will be back shorty babe. Unless you wanna go? 

Camille- yea i'll go lemme get my phone.

camille was wearing this

*she walks back down stair-es and twist was eyeing her*

camille- what? is there something on me?

twist- no. its just that you look beautiful. and your shoes are dope.

Camille- *kisses twist* thanks baby.

*they leave*

at the store Camille and twist where acting like a bunch of little kids. running,singing,dancing,pranking others, and being clumsy.

Twist- i see i have a ride or die girlfriend

Camille- i been one

*they both start to laugh

twist- alright lets head home so we can watch some of these movies.

*they get home and cuddle and start watching this kiddie movies*

camille- babe why in the world are we watching Monster Inc

twist- I love this movie. *gives a kool-ade smile*

camille- *laughs* my baby is still a child in the heart.

twist-*laughs* yea.... *kisses her*

*the movie ends*

Camille- its 5:00 what do you want to do?

twist- lets go out for lunch. 

Camille- okay.

*they get up and leave*

Camille- babe can we have something in-n-out burger

Twist- I was thinking the same thing. yea lets go there.

Camille- alrighty.

*they order their food and sit at the table*

twist-we have to do something in here to brighten up this place. its so boring and quiet.

Camille- *laughs* like what?

twist- Alright follow my league. pretend like you don't know me.

camille- *looks at him confused* why?

twist-just go with it

camille- alright.

*twist gets up and goes to this random customer and puts on his Gay voice.

Twist- Excuse Mr. you are like beyond attractive

Guy-ummm im sorry i have a wife.

twist-oh okay.

*he goes up to another guy*

twist- excuse me sir you are like very attractive.

???- I am a lady. *looks at twist like she is insult*

*Camille burst out laughing*

twist- i am very sorry.

*twist come back and sits down*

Camille- you are a damn fool.

twist- i promise you i didn't know that was a lady.

camille- *burst out laughing again*

*some random gay guy comes to twist*

GG (gay guy)-hey handsome

twist-*looks at him shocked* hi

gg- well i seen yo trying to hook up with every guy but you didn't come to me. i'm single and you are a very sexy gentle that i would love to take up and-------

Twist- WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! I'm not fucking gay that was a joke. *looks at him disgusted*

*camille starts to laugh one more time*

twist- lets go BABE .

*they get up and leave*

camille- that is what you get. god dont like ugly.

twist- than he must not like you *he joked*

Camille- alright i see how it is.*she joked* guess who is not getting anymore kisses til next week *she sticks her tongue out*

twist- NO NO i want my kisses. I wuv you.

camille- *laughs* i love you too.

*when they got home they turned the radio up and it was playing 2 chainz. They both started dancing and singing*

twist- whewww im tired

Camille- yeah me too. lets go to bed.

*from then the went to sleep*

short and boring... i know it will get better

I need You (A lil Twist love story) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now