Chapter 3: The First Day

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Chapter 3


'Shit!' Why did I say that?! It's after school and I'm already late to meet Emerald, but she probably won't want to see me anyway. God, I was a dick to her during class just 'why did I say that!?' She didn't deserve my rude ass attitude and all she wanted was to know was why and all I gave her was a basic 'fuck you' to her face. And now I'm compounding that dumbassery by being over an hour late for library meetup, she probably already left I know I would.

Racing down the hallway, I manage to get to the library without falling on my face. Looking around I finally found that she was still there and sitting at a table by herself with her head down on the table. I'm walking up to her slowly. I noticed there were small signs of irritation on her face and that her back was very tense. I wish I could kiss that frown away from her beautiful face. Shaking my head from stupid notion, I tried to wake her with a small shake from her back, but the moment I touched her I could feel all the signs of tension drain as if she wanted me to be there, with her. Giving up on trying to wake her anytime soon, I then quickly took out my phone and snapped a few pictures of her sleeping face. It was then that I noticed the librarian staring at me with a knowing smirk on her face, thoroughly embarrassed now I quickly took my seat and began to work on our project.

* * *

I was in a world of silence, happy and free. I have no care in the world about where I swim from and where else to all I knew was that I was free, with no one to force me to do their homework nor try to believe me. And what made it better was that I wasn't alone. Blake, for some odd reason, was there with me laughing and playing. It didn't seem as angry as he usually was, in fact he looked as if he was having fun as if he was there for not only himself but for me. We were enjoying life and when I turned to look at him I could see something in his eyes, something that I couldn't recognize on his face and it fills me with hope, like there was a future for us together.

But with all good things it came to a sudden and abrupt end, I didn't know what was there but it was after us and I had an innate knowledge that if it found us we would have to experience a life worse than death. Swimming faster now we saw an underwater cave, Blake quickly grabbed my hand and pushed me inside. I was crying because I knew what he was about to do and I didn't like it at all, trying to run back out Blake shook his head 'no' at me and began to push the entrance close all the while whispering the words I knew he will never say in real life and they were 'I love you'.

And like that the door to my future closed with a loud bang that was as sure as death and like that I woke with a start.

* * *

Blake and Emerald were both startled by the suddenness of everything, Emerald with her dream and Blake by Emerald. Both now staring at each other and not knowing what to really do or say they stayed like that, in the silence for who knows how long, then Blake said, " Sorry."

Emerald swung her head up with a shocked look on her face and quickly said, " What for?"

"For being late," he said.

"Oh don't worry about it. I figured you had a reason for being late." Emerald said in a shy tone. "Oh and sorry for falling asleep on you."

"Ah, don't be." Blake said gruffly then whispered, "I got to see your pretty sleeping face out of it."

"What?!" Emerald said as her head shot up.


"No, I meant what did you just say?"

"I did say anything." Blakes said.

"Yes, you did." Emerald said testly.

"No I didn't, and how the hell are you going to tell me what came out of my mouth?" Blake questioned angrily.

"Because I know you said something and to be honest I don't want to deal with someone who is rude all the damn time." she said not back down.

"Oh, so now you have to deal with me. That great come from the girl who can't stand up for herself without her friends being with her."

With tears brimming in her eyes Emerald was about to say something when the librarian came between them and said, "If you two don't be quiet and sit your butts down right now I will be forced to have you both removed from the building."

Shocked at the sudden intrusion Blake and Emerald both look down to see that they were in fact standing up. Quickly sitting back down Emerald lifted her head to which most of the library's occupant were staring at both of them. Extremely embarrassed now Emerald looked away quickly and started to work on her project while Blake noticed her expression look up and glared menacingly at everyone making them all turn their head a way abruptly.

Satisfied that she had sufficiently corralled her charges the librarian walked a way.

* * *

Tired and angry now I so wanted to leave but knew that if I left now that it meant he would win so we sat there in the tense silences working on our assignment. It stayed like that for the next couple of days, but it slowly began to relax. Everything seemed fine except for the fact that Nila and April wanted to 'Talk' to Blake about his attitude, but I managed to convince that he wasn't worth the effort. But what really surprised me was the fact that the girl dubbed 'IT' didn't come prowling around, but that was when I realised I've spoken too soon.

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