Chapter 4: Woman in Black

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*** Hi, I'm really sorry for not updating this but here is a chapter for you. This woman is also what I image the woman in black to look like just image a black veil over her too.***

"Hey! Nerd!"I heard someone shout . Picking up my things I decided to ignore it and began to walk away.

"Hey! I'm talkin to you!", I heard as they were getting closer. It was then that I did a quick peck over my shoulder and noticed that it was 'It' and her cronies that were following me.

Noticing that they were pissed, I tightened my grip on my bag and ran. Out the door and around the corner of the school, I heard footsteps trailing after me when I felt something hit my back. Crony 1 and 2 grabbed me and picked me up, " Oh, so little Miss Scholarship thought, she could run did she."

"No, I just thought I needed some light exercise. How about you?"

Laughing 'It' said, "Oh you think that's funny huh?!". She turns to Crony 1 giving her a look and Crony 1 turns to me and punches me in the gut. The pain exploded across my whole body as I sagged against the two girl's that were holding me.

"Get her back up. She need to know why you don't fuck with what is mine."

The girls pulled on my arms harder trying to straighten me out so she could hit me this time. Then take another hit this time to the face, she starts going on a rant about how it was my fault for trying to take her boyfriend. She then starts to explain to me what she is going to do to me, like that villain from Phineas and Ferb. As she was going on I realized that the cronies hands started to relax. Using my dead weight and my body's momentum I managed to pull my arms out of there grasp and punched 'It' in the face. Surprised by my sudden movement none of them had time to react as I punched her, grabbed my bag, and ran.

On the ground now 'It' looked Emerald in shock as she ran away. Suddenly realizing that she was getting away, Elizabeth shouted at Missy and Laya, " WHAT, Are You Standing There For! Go get her!"

Emerald could hear her shout as she broke through the underbrush near the tree line. Jumping over down trees, she kept going until she could no longer hear her pursuer. Slowing down to catch her breath, she didn't realize she was lost until she looked up and noticed that there were trees as far as her eyes could see.

* * *

Not knowing what I could do I checked my backpack to get my phone out, only to see that there were no bars in the area. Next I look through my bag to find my school handbook to see if I can find where I was in the forest. In my hand book there is a map showing the surrounding area around the school for students like me who get lost in the forest, and it was there I was hoping to find a landmark that identifies my location. Looking through I realized that there were no obvious landmarks that could help me identify where I was at, in frustration I threw my handbook back into my back and began to walk. The further I went into the forest the darker it seemed to get. Scared, hungry, and lost All I could do was sit down and cry.

It was then I heard a voice almost like a whisper, gently caressing my ears telling me to keep going. In that voice I felt comfort no longer fearing what might happen, realizing I'm stronger than I thought. Pushing to my feet I felt that the voice was telling me to keep going to find its source. Grabbing my things I began to walk, until the moon was high and the lights of the night shined upon me. It was then that I found the house. This home was large and very imposing, it looked similar to a large Victorian home that was no longer well taken care of. It had broken shutters and glass, Ivy crawling up the outside walls, with what seems to be one light shining through one of the windows near the back right side of the home. Fear crawling up my spine, I hesitated before I opened the door. The voice that was still urging me to go inside felt heavy as I gently pushed the door open. Noticing to my right was a staircase leading up, and an old set of living room furniture on the left; the place was a dump, with dust covering everything. Following the need, I go up the stairs to find a hallway with two doors on both sides of the hallway and one door at the end.

I don't know why my eyes were drawn to the door at the end, but I didn't notice the two doors on either side of me and walked straight to it. Placing my hand on a doorknob I slowly turned and opened the door only to see the shroud of darkness and in the middle was a beautiful middle-aged woman dressed in all black, with a mesh black cloth draped over her head. It was only then that a woman turned around showing me bright red hair and sea green eyes. her skin was pale so powerful that it almost had an innate glow similar to Moonlight and in her eyes you can tell her age that was stupid for me that's not a middle-aged beautiful woman the old and weathered woman who lost so much and has singing the harshest things of this World give.

Lost in those eyes I heard her saying, "Child I see you have finally found me." At my confused look she went on to say, "Have you not understood the dream that I sent you."

"Wha... What dreams?"

"The dreams of the sea, little one."

Thinking back I realize that I was having dreams of the sea as if it was calling me, she was calling me and the sudden innate sense of danger.

Looking at me with a gentle smile, she said, "So you did get them."

"Yeah, but how did yo......?"

"Ah, ah, little you're asking the wrong question. I thought you were smarter than that." she said in a starn voice.

"OK, then if not 'How', then 'Why' did you call me here."

She then grinned, and said, "Well now that is a question worthy of answering."

Pausing, she then said, "I need your help?"

Scratching up my brow I put my hand up to stop her and said, " Wait, you did all of this to get my help?". Giving me a frustrated look she said, "If you let me talk, I will explain it to you." With a weary look I nodded my head letting her proceed.

Nodding at me she began to tell me how she found me, which was through some type of magic, and that she started to send me the dreams near the beginning of my sophomore year, which apparently I'm quite stubborn because she couldn't get me to come out to the forest. She then starts to tell me why she chose me, which was something about being a pure heart and that my kindness that I show to others has proven me worthy of what I don't know. Continuing on she starts telling me about the man that she needs me to find and it was at that point I had to stop her again.

"Wait, hold up a minute here, how do you know that one I'm going to help you and two I'm going to find this man you're telling me about?" I said, infustration.

It was then that she looked at me and said, "Sweetheart did you forget that I was watching you for a whole year before I chose you."

"Yes." I said honestly. Then I realized what she said.

"Wait, in that whole monologue not once did you say that you watched me for a whole year."

Seeming to realize what she said she looked at me with a slight sheepish look and said, "Child, I was not rude enough to watch you while you showered and have your alone time."

With a major blush so dark that you could tell even with my skin color, I looked at her with shock and said, "Now I really shouldn't help you."

"Now child, trust me I really did not see anything and I know will help me because you are already giving in."

Looking at me with an exasperated look she continued to say, "Anyway it's not just you I need help from, it's that boy who is beside you as well."

"You mean Blake." I said in confusion.

"Yes, him. I need you to bring him as well."

"Why, him though." I said in a shock tone.

"Because unlike what you think, that boy also has a pure heart and it takes two to break the spell keeping me here not just one. Now go child you've been in this place for far too long someone is going to start looking for you." And like that I could feel myself being pushed out of the home the moment I stood outside of my small dormitory. Seeing Aunt Vicky she looked at me in relief.

" Girl, you had me scared for a second. I was just about to go out and look for you, now come on inside it is getting cold out here."

Looking back as I began to walk inside I could still feel the urge to help that woman and I knew I would.

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