Chapter one: The beginning

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In every story there is a beginning from how the hero starts their Great Adventure to how they defeated their greatest adversary. So let me tell you this: I don't know if this story is anything like that. All I know is that this is my story and that what I'm telling you is all true.

It all started in Amerige North Academy High School. As you can tell from the name this place is for rich kids from CEOs' sons to princesses of foreign nations. Then there is me, Emerald Elaine Jones. Where do I stand in all of this? ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE! As you can see, I managed to get into this school with good grades, luck, and a scholarship from the Board of Trustees. So no, I don't have a rich dad who wants to send his daughter to the best school money can buy. Nor do I have a long lost family member who just so happens to be rich and has no kids of their own. I got here all on my own through all the Sweat, Blood, and Tears. Lots and lots of Tears.

But I still managed to make it. So there. 'Crap!' I'm getting off topic sorry, wait can an inner monologue apologize to self? Well I don't know... back to the school.

This place was built with three things in mind: STORY. BOOK. CASTLE. With all the extras such as the grand staircases, to the large elaborate designed hallways. To be honest when I first came here I was shocked to silence and I just couldn't imagine such a place could exist. Especially since this place was not only surrounded by a forest, but there was an ocean on the right side of the school, to me it was just breathtaking. But sadly that was the only thing about the school that was great.

Well, you remember that when I said that this school was made up of nothing but rich kids. Let's just say that they take their money seriously. To the point that they see a poor black girl who was only able to evade the money castle with none other than a scholarship. To those attending the school, I'm viewed as an ugly stain on the school's reputation.

So no, I'm not friends with the richest girl in school nor am I doing her homework to be popular. In fact my first year here she tried to make me do her work and let's just say because of her efforts she got a big fat 'F' on her first test. She didn't appreciate it very much, but I sure as hell got a laugh out of it...


'Oooowwww!' that hurt.

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you there." said Elizabeth Bain.

Yep, this is a girl that I was referring to as 'she' or 'her' and finally demoted to 'IT'. Now I wish I could call this girl ugly but sadly she's not her parents money is going to a really good place and you can definitely see it in her face, boobs, and her butt. Tall, blonde, and gorgeous she has all the money, the status and the constant stability that it all brings. She has a long, elegant, and angler face paired with the bright honey colored eyes and a body most girls would kill for. You would think she wouldn't even notice a little nobody like me but apparently she did.

Jezz, you think I would have gotten used to this stuff by now especially after 3 years, but nope still wanna punch the bitch.

As I stood up from my locker I could hear laughter from her and her three cronies standing behind me. "Oh, Little Miss Scholarship is not going to say a thing." Jane said. "Yeah come on poor girl why don't you say something." Leia shouted after her.

"Oh come on you guys you know she's shy and won't do anything. She's just a loser that no one notices." 'IT' said. And with that sudden admission the four of them left with laughter in the air. It was then I turn my head to see them walking down the hallway, and see the other students part to let through it as if they were Moses when he ask God to part the Red Sea to give them safe passage, but instead of them giving safe passage it's more like they are trying to get out of their way. Hearing my name being called I looked over to the right and saw April and Nila rushing to me.

" Hey, are you ok? We just got into the school when we saw 'IT' messing with you again." April said with a murdest look on her face.

" God I don't know why you put up with that bitch. You know you can go to the headmaster and tell him 'IT' has been bothering you." Nila said in a tired voice. You see this wouldn't be the first time we talked about this nor would it be the last time.

"Hey, you know my answer to that. It would only make the situation worse than it already is and to be honest I really don't have time for something like that."

" Yeah, Yeah we know, 'IT'S' oooohhhh so wonderful daddy won't let his dear precious princess get in trouble and will come and save her no matter if she was wrong or not.", they both said while giving me the look. Then Nila sighed while April shook her head, smiling at them both. I said, " Aaaaaahhh, thank you." then gave them a hug. After that they helped me grab my things off the ground. Getting up we started our walk to class when I felt someone was staring at me, looking over I was caught by a set of dark stormy grey eyes. In this unyielding trap I could feel his strength and it was almost as if he was a typhoon crashing into the sandy beach. And as sudden as the moment came it quickly left again when he took his gaze from mine. It was then I realised that Blake Anderson, one of the most popular guys in school was staring at me.

Now I know that this is typical of all hot popular guys, but you gotta admit this guy is hot in all senses of the word. Tall, dark, and handsome he stood at 6'5, had a well-defined muscle frame, and tan skin that was basically kissed by the Sun. He also has dark black hair that is just long enough to rock the messy bedhead look, with dark shaped eyebrows that always seemed as if he was stuck, permanent frown, chiseled cheekbones, and a beautiful proportionate nose the man has it all.

Especially since he's dating 'IT', and also has one of the richest men in the world as his dad, and he basically gets whatever he wants. But, what has me confused is why a guy like him is staring at a girl like me. I mean I'm ugly but neither was I beautiful, man, I'm not even a blimp on his radar but maybe... No! That way of thinking only leads to madness and with that slightly depressing thought I decided to go to class.

* * *

'Crap!' she noticed me looking at her but the face she gave when Elizabeth pushed into the lockers was so cute. I mean you could see the flicker of irritation cross her face as she kept silent and tried to avoid confrontation. Hey, I know that sounds weird, but when you can barely get the girl you like to even look at you let alone talk to you. Let's just say that a guy has to get his joys from somewhere. And trust me when you have a girl like Emerald Jones constantly on your mind there is no way you can stop yourself from doing a double-take. Especially with her beautiful brown eyes slanted at the corner with slight wrinkles from when she laughs and seeing the joy in them is mind-blowing to watch. But what makes it better is that she has a beautiful smile with gorgeous plump lips, dark caramel skin, beautiful wild curly hair, and stands at the height 5'2. She is absolutely perfect, but no one seems to notice which is totally fine for me I don't need any more competition, but damn it what am I thinking a girl like her should be noticed and have more friends but ever since our freshman year Elizabeth had it out for her anyone seen with her would be instantly blacklisted and bullied not that Nila nor April cared that much about that.

But that's not what's holding me back from talking to her, God, I could have cared less. No, what's holding me back is that during my freshman year when I was still dating Elizabeth I was one of the people who bullied her. You see at the time I didn't realize that what I was feeling was actually love and hated the fact that she had a pull over me. So I basically took my frustration out on her. And when I finally did realize that I was in love it was already too late. Anytime I was near her she would avoid me like the plague and I never got the chance to have a normal conversation with her.

I felt a sudden jostle of my shoulder and turned to see Andrew and Ion standing there behind me. " Hey, what are you staring at?", Andrew said in a conversational tone.

Shaking my head I said nothing as Ion threw his arm around my shoulder and said, "Oh come on man why won't you tell us what you're staring at."

"Was it Elizabeth?" Andrew said with a weird eye wiggle.

Making a face I shrugged off Son's arm and grabbed my book. For them to be my two closest friends they could be assholes sometimes.

"Oh come on Blake we know how you feel about her." Ion said.

"Yeah, we will stop fucking with you, especially since this will be the only time you would get to be near her."

With that small consolation from my friends I went to the only class I had with my beautiful angel. 

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