Penelope Dennis

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Aaron pov

"Ron you got yourself a deal." I say with confidence.

"Very well. Say goodbye to Penelope while you have the chance." Ron laughed and I looked at the girl in front of me.

"Penelope. I need you to let me mark you. Then I can mind link you!" I whisper.

"Oh.. Okay." Penelope looked unsure.

"Ron can you give us a minute?" I ask while hiding a smile.

"Yes of course. 2 minutes." Ron says seriously and leaves.

I sigh and look At Penelope.

"I want you to know that I'll miss you beautiful. Don't let them find out.. The pack. Don't tell them where I am. Say I'm dead. Ron killed me." I explain.

"Why? I don't know your name?" Penelope whispered.

"Aaron. Now I'm sorry princess." I punch Penelope's pressure point and she falls unconscious into my arms.

I quickly mark her by putting my canines into her neck. I knocked her out so she wouldn't scream when I marked her.

"Ron come back!" I call out after putting her hair in the way.

"Why is the knocked out?" Ron asked flabbergasted.

"She annoyed me but I told her to tell my pack I'm dead." I smirk and I'm not lying.

"Good. Trust me Aaron, you will not regret this."

Scarlett pov

When we got to the castle I see the pack worried.

"What's wrong?" I scream.

"Aaron is dead! He's been exiled by the rogue king!" A man yelled.

"What?" Andy and James yelled at the same time.

"I was there. He killed Aaron in front of my eyes." A girl spoke up.

She isn't from our pack. She's beautiful but is all ragged up.

"I'm Penelope. Aaron's mate." She spoke.

"Mate?" I gasp.

"He died in front of my eyes! Gone! Dead!" Penelope cried.

After a few hours we left. We all retreated and went home. I sigh. Aaron is gone now. We couldn't find the witches in charge. This is bad. We lost our beta before the war has begun.

(4 years later..)

Sorry for the time lapse

"Stay away from me you damn witch."I growl.

"I can easily cast my spell on you." The witch cackled.

"Your the last one. We have thousands." I smirk.

"Scarlett.. Die!" Anna the witch screamed.

A werewolf tackled Anna down and stabbed her claw into the throat. After stabbing Anna a few more times and pulling her head off the body, she shifted human.

"Thank you Grace." I smile at my friend.

Grace Eliza. My best friend at the moment. I found her 2 years ago against the battle of the vampires. We destroyed every last vampire and now we just finished off all of the witches. The mermaids actually left us. They gave us the training and power, but in the end, they chickened out and left.

"Great job Luna." Grace smiled.

Me and James are perfect together. I love him and he actually got over that spell. Nothing affects him anymore. He is doing great.

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