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Eliza's P.O.V.

We were just walking through the mall when I saw Alex Gaskarth (hehehehehehe) and Jack Barakat, the two coolest kids in my school,  waving at me. 

I have a huge crush on Alex. I stopped waving him back and smiling. They walked over

"Hey Leo!" They smiled. Omfg. they  were talking to me.

"H-hey Alex, Jack" I smiled

"Hey really sorry about your parents." Jack sighed

"It's aright. We'll ge thtrough it" I smiled.

"Why don't we ever talk in school? Do we have any calsses together?" Alex asked.

Yes shit for brains.

"Ya, Language Arts, spanish, and science, and gym" I replied.

"Right! I carried you to the nurse." Alex said

"You did?" I asked

He nodded smiling. I could've died right there.

"Thanks" I laughed

"No problem" He smiled.

"You prom shopping?" Jack asked.

"No, I'm not going to prom, I don't have a date.." I sighed

"Really?" Alex asked astonished.

"Alex, I'm like the un-popularest kid..ever"

"Well then, Eliza Leo, will you go to prom with me?" Alex asked


"Ya! Let's go to prom together"

"Dude Lisa." Jack said

"She broke up with me for like Jaime." He said

"When?" Jack asked

"last week"

"Oh right"

"Soo yes or no?" Alex asked

"Uhm..sure" I smiled.

"Cool! See ya on monday" Alex said kissing my cheeks. OMFG. I turned around to see everyone staring at me.

"YOU LIKE ALEX" Austin screamed

"SHUT UP NO I DON'T" I screetched 

"TYour going to prom with him" Phil said

"It's just because Lisa and him broke up.." I said smiling.

"Ya ya okay." Alan said

"You need to get a dress" Austin said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"AUSTIN YOU FAG" I laughed as he dropped me in Debs

"How about this one?" Phil asked handing me a  blue black green pink red sparkle dress

"Oh hell noooo" I said laughing. I spotted a halter black dress that seemed to go to the floor. I ran over to it, ignoring Tino's suggestion of a 1878 middle year dress

"OH COME ON" He laughed.

"Just 1?" The close dresser asked

I nodded

She gave me a room and I slipped the dress on. It reached the floor. 

"Come out! We want to see" Someone said. I sighed opening the door and walking to where Leo and Trevor and the guys were.

"Oh my god"


"Dude your sister is hot" Trevor whispered

"I'm getting this one" I smiled going back to the room slipping off the dress, putting my clothes back on. I paid for the dress $70.

Shoes: Black heels.


We all got out early for prom

"Hey Leoo!" Someone called. I turned around. Alex

"It's Eliza" I chuckled

"Okay, then Eliza" He laughed

"Whats up?" I asked

"Whats your adress?" He asked dumbly.

"Oh right" I laughed. I took out a pieace of paper writing it down and handed it to him.

"okay, cool." I'll pick you up at 8:00" Alex smiled. I nodded and drove away back to the house.

"Heyyyy Phillll and Alannn and Austinnnn and Tinoooo" I smiled.

"What do you want?" They all asked

"Do you know how to work a curler?" I asked

"I do" Austin and Phil said.

"Beats me" Alan and Tino laughed

"Hahaha, okay." I laughed. Phil, Austin and I walked to my room. 

"Okay, so you do this,then that, then this, then that" Phil explained everything.

"Thankyou" I laughed

"No problem" They smiled.


I finsihed putting on mascara, and my red lipstick, I slipped on the heels, put in my contacts.

"Eliza! Alex is here!" Leo yelled. I walked downstairs.

"Wow" Alex smiled.

"Not to bad yourself" I said pointing to the suit he was wearing.

"Hey Eliza!" Jack said walking in.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Can I take a picturee?" Alan asked

"Do you mind?" I asked Jack and Alex. They shook their heads no and Alan took two pictures.

"Be carefulll!" Everyone shouted when I walked out.

~2 hours later~

I was getting a drink when I went to go back to Alex. I turned my head when I saw Alex and Lisa kissing.

"Of course..." I whispered

"You Alex's date?" Someone asked me.

"Uh yay" I said turning around

"Eliza Leo?"

"Rian Dawson?" I laughed 

"Oh my god" We said hugging. He was my friend in Elementary school then we jsut sepearted in middle school

"How are you?" He asked

"Been better" I sighed "Yourself?" 

"Same. Lisa was my date" Rian sighed.

"Bitch..." I muttered

"Exactly!" Rian laughed. I chuckled

"You look nice tonight" He smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled

"Want me to drive you home?' Rian asked

"Please?" I laughed. He smiled and we walked out to his car.

"Take a left"

"A right"

"And here we are" I smiled.

"Thanks Ri"

"No probs"

"See ya in school tomarrow" I said getting out. He nodded and i walked up to the door walking inside

"Your early" Leo said

"Ya, well Alex was kissing his ex" I sighed

"Awww, I'm sorry" Tino said

"It's fine, he was practically trying to get in my....dress?" I laughed

" What movie you watching?"

"Vampires Suck."

"Move over Leo" i alughed pushing him and Trev.

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