djdgefiieifnnfe OHIO

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"I have to go to Ohio tomorrow" I sighed

"Thats tomorrow?" Jaxin asked. I nodded

"Hows your ankle?" He asked

"Eh, it's fine." I sighed

"Shayley is in Wisconsin today isn't he?" Jaxin asked

"Yaaaaa!" I laughed

There was a barking

"Mable come here" I said clapping. SHe came running over jumping on the couch and laying in Jaxin's lap

"Shes so tiny" He laughed playing with her

"I'm gonna miss her" I sighed

"You are gonna be gone for like 4 days!" He laughed

"SO what?" i laughed. My cell phone rang. i got up and walked to the counter.



"Doo you know whoo thiiss isssS?"


"How did you knoowwww"

"Becuaseee I hae Phone I.D.DDDDD"

"Aw fuck right" He laughed

"Hows Wisconsin?" I wondered

"Fun..I guess" He sighed

"Why are you there anyway?"

"Visiting Raul and Jordan" He said

"Ooo right!" I said

"I jsut got to Raul's I'll call you tomorrow, have fun in Ohio." He said

"Okay! I love you" i smiled

"Love you too" he said. We hung up and I walked back to the couch. Jaxin was gone.

"Jaxin?" I asked yelling. No answer.

"Jaxin?" I yelled again going upstairs.

"Jaxin?" I asked walking in each room. I walked into the hallway

. I was pushed against a wall


We were being robbed

"What lock?" I asked. The guy pulled me by my hair and started dragging me.

"Ow. Stop plese" I begged. I was thrown into a room and kicked to the lock. I don't know it.

"I don't know." I said crying.

"Call the guy who lives here" The man said pointing a gun at me. I nodded getting up and getting the house phone. I dialed Shay's number


"Shayley, you know the lock in the guest room?" I whispered

"Uh ya?"

"What is the combination?" I asked

"Uh 14,23,45" He said confused.


"I'll tell you later bye" I hung up plugging it in.

Once it opened. I was pushed to the side.

"Theres nothing here" The man shouted.

"Give me your wallet" He said pointing the gun at my leg.

"No" I whispered. He shot my knee and I fell down.

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