Chapter 11

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*Drake's POV*

She started moving her wings as carefully as she could, then she felt the time was right, liftingher body and Rivers off the ground I told her to fly around a bit and River held on tight but not painfully.

"Good, now time for the landing. You don't want to land heavily because it can cause the person you're carrying pain and also give away your position" i explain "So try and land as softly as possible"

she does as i say and lands without a nose, River laughs and pats her neck.

"Very good but i have something else, each species is different to carry and some are much harder then others. For example Angels are almost impossible to carry as well as the air elements because its hard for them to let go of control, angels have control of their wings so when someone else is flying they have to try their hardest not to open up their wings otherwise they end up falling off. Air elements have control over the air so to let someone else fly them around is tricky for them and if they use their powers whilst being carried they also fall off." I warn her "So what i'm going to do is call all your friends over" with that i let out a roar making River jump and that signals the others to come over.

"Okay so you flew with a mermaid lets see how you do with a werewolf" i said in the mind link and nudge Kaiden forward with my snout.

"Nah mate! No way! i'm not getting on her" he shouted dragging his feet

I knew this would happen, werewolves were the very last to want to be carried, they hated being off the ground. But i also know that as soon as he gets on he'll enjoy it.

Nudging him i basically threw him on, as soon as i did Roxy let out a deep growl and bucked a little. Everyone was freaking out, i changed back into my human form and Roxy studied me a bit before nodding.

"Kaiden enough with the claws!" I growl when i see a small amount of blood roll off her shoulder.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry Brianna!" Kaiden said looking like he was going to cry, Roxy purred at him letting him know it was ok.

"Ok Kaiden all you have to do is hold on, but make sure your claws don't come out. Trust her, she's your friend and she won't let anything bad happen to you" i said and he nodded leaning forward and getting comfortable.

She starts the process and soon enough she's in the air and flying around gracefully, after about five minutes she slows down and lowers to the ground.

"Beautiful! Now a demon" i say when Kaiden jumps down shouting how cool that was.

Valentine jogs over to Brianna and strokes her snout, clearly he hit a ticklish spot because she sneezes and paws at her nose making Valentine chuckle.

"Alright Bri lets do this" he says getting on as carefully as he could and getting comfortable, she sets off and was swooping left and right before landing gently back claws landing first before she lowers on to her front and crouching again.

"Nice, okay erm oh how about a fire element" i say pointing to Aiden.

He walks forward patting her shoulder before climbing on, she waits until he was comfortable before she started to fly. If this went the way i thought it was this was going to be interesting.

And it did because not long after Roxy did a sharp sweep and Aiden threw up his hand as if he was going to be hit and a long streak of fire came bursting from his palm.

Roxy stopped immediately just staying in one place before turning her head back at Aiden, he patted her neck and she carried on before landing.

"Aiden?" i ask even though i knew what happened.

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