~Serious Talk~

697 27 12

**Letter written by Slenderman**

As I can understand it, _____ doesn't have much time left. I've began to note moments where she either grows spacey during conversation or moments where she begins to cry unexplainably. Perhaps it's just how she's come to live with us that has started to take affect on her after all this time, but I fear not.

It's Zalgo. It has to be. 

Perhaps these moments are where his consciousness has begun to explore her mind, where he begins to figure out how to take control or perhaps she grows bored without reason. I'd like to tell myself she's bored. I'd really like to, and I'm sure my brothers would like to too, but we all know.

I think Offender is the only one of us who has completely ignored it this whole time. Maybe he hides his fears but I've often been able to read him like an open book. He's very expressive in his feelings, as are Splendor and Trender, even when he's down he becomes mad and shuts himself away from everyone, but it only makes it clear that he's bothered by something.

He hasn't shut himself away at all. His mind reads of sweet days of sunshine and buttercups in an empty field with ______, and well... It's not hard to know what he normally thinks of.

Anyway, I fear for Zalgo's return. All of us do, every one of us in the mansion do. At least those who have stuck around long enough to see her.

Jeff and Ben are always out late and stay at the mansion for hardly a few hours a day. Laughing Jack doesn't return for days at a time, and Kagekao? God knows where he's been for the last year or so. He sends letters sometimes from Paris, usually pictures of him drinking wine over a corpse by the eiffel tower or something alike to that. Toby, Masky and Hoodie went on a camping trip last month and haven't returned since then either. Knowing them, they're up to mischief and are most likely ok. It's easy to say everyone has been lurking in and out of the mansion, but mainly outside of it.

That will have to change soon. I must not let them get hurt from his uprising once again.

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