~First entry~

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Journal Log 1 - Author: ???

Date- May 30th, ????

Title entry: My first journal

So... This is me, writing in a journal for the first time I think. I decided to go on the camping trip with the others. Slender didn't seem to into it, he told us we were idiots.

To be honest with you, I was just scared of what's going to happen to _______. I had to take my mind off of it and find some way to enjoy myself. 

Masky and Toby were playing in the river all day today. I don't remember the name of it, I don't really give a damn about geography or location or whatever because it's all the same crap to me. The water was turning red for a bit; they REALLY seemed to enjoy that. I think they found some drunken man in an inner tube and probably hacked him up pretty bad before messing around in the inflatable the guy had passed out in. 

Hoodie pretended nobody saw him when he snatched the beer from a holder in the floatie and then later threw it as hard as he could at Toby. It hit him so hard in the head, he got knocked out for a good minute and I had to drag him out of the water so he didn't drown.

They seemed to be having fun, but not I. I was just... hungry and bored and stuff. It's too bad people don't hike up here that often. It makes it hard to eat.

Anyway, I'm gonna end this here. It was kinda fun writing in here, so maybe I'll do it again. Right now, I hear someone coming this way, so maybe it'll be dinner time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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