Chapter 27

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Hi wendyragonton.. Thank you for following! This chapter is for you! :)

Alright! So I'm became a bit busy because of our migrating thingy.. And I'm just so excited but also a bit sad.. Uhmmm..  Anyways.. Here's the FINAL Update..

Yey! Finally.. :))


521)  A Story worth reading:

Prof: Did God created everything?

Student: Yes!

Prof: If so, then God also created evil.. Therefore God is evil.

(A student stood up and ask..)

Student: So dark exists sir?

Prof: Yes! it does.

Student: Dark doesn't exist sir. It is only the absence of light. Just like evil, it is only the absence of God in a human's heart.

Prof: (Speechless)

522) Don't change yourself. Just adjust to people who don't like you. For personality is not a theorem to be proven but a postulate to be accepted.

523) There are a lot of people who call you by your name. But there is only one person who can make it sound so damn special.

524) Letting other things happen doesn't mean you give up. It's simply knowing that beyong risking, sometimes it falls perfectly after waiting.

525) It's not always what you say that matters, sometimes it's what you don't say.

526) If you let pride drive your behavior, you will always increase the chance of losing what you are trying to keep.

527) The heart is the center of our chest but it beats in the left side.

I guess that's the reason why the heart isn't always right.

However, every kindness done to other is kindness done to God. People with a heart for God have a heart for people. God bless you for your kind heart. In that way you are right,

528) God's work is like fire and hammer that breaks rock into pieces.

529) God is the best listener. You don't need to shout nor cry out loud because He hears even the very silent prayers of a sincere heart.

530) " And  may God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Jesus." -Philippians 4:19

531) A heart that appreciates every blessing will always be bigger than the eyes that sees only what is missing.

532) One day, he villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer, everyone gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella.That's FAITH!

When you throw a 1 year old baby in the air, he laughs because he knows you will catch him.

That's TRUST!

Every night we go to bed, we're not sure that we'll get up tomorrow but we still have many plans for the coming day.

That's HOPE!


533) Don't be disappointed if the other refuses to help you.

Remember the words of Einstein:

"I'm thankful to those who said no bacause of then I did it myself."

534) I believe that everything happens for a reason.

People changes so that you can learn to let go.

Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right.

You believe in lies so you eventually learn to trust noone but yourself.

And, sometimes, good hings fall apart so better things can fall together.

535) Don't find love. Let love find you, thats why it's called falling inlove because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall.

536)  Why is it that sometimes the world seems to be so empty.. Even if only one person is missing.

537) The longer you have to wait for something, the  more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives.

538) Don't be sad when you choose a wrong move because everybody commit mistakes, it's the primary reason why pencil is always created with erasers.

539) Life has many great options. You don't have to always pick what seems to be the best. Just pick whatever makes you happy.

540) In facing life's ups and downs, let's always remember the Lord and dwell on His promises. Let's be like the finest bamboo, bending but not breaking.



Blessing right? Do we appreciate the blessings that we recieve everyday, everymoment of lives from the Lord? Well, if you do not, yo can start now. Just close your eyes. Take a moment of silence and give thank to our Lord. Give thanks from the smallest to the boggets blessings He has given you. With that simple thank you. our Lord God will be so happy. He knows our needs even before we ask Him for it, even before we say it to our prayers. That's how God works. He works overtime. He may not answer the blessing you want right away, but trust Him. He has His mighty reasons because He knows whats the best for you. So Have faith and trust God. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! :)

Quotes just FOR YOU ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon