How it all started

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Joeys POV

Me and Daniel have been dating for about 4 years.  I know that's not a lot of time to some people but that's a huge achievement for me and him.  Yes I'm gay.  There is no problem with being gay. If you don't like gay people then why are you still reading. My feelings for Daniel are STRONG really strong.  I would do anything for him. I would take a bullet for him. I would take a satb for him. If Daniel died I'd have depression.

A/N *This part will be based on real life and how they met*

But this is how it all even started.  So I was on my Instagram Joey Graceffa and scrolling through the popular page and saw a cute boy. I was in LOVE. This was the picture.

I was in love

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I was in love. I was just looking through pictures and you know I had to stumble across this one. I followed him on Instagram and his other socials. He's cute right. I'm definitely not wrong. So he probably was getting creeper out because I kept following his socials. But I had too so I can DM him. It seems creepy but I just needed this boy. Plus at the time I was young and thirsty. So I DM him and we wanted to meet in person. So our friends birthdays we're on the same day and Daniel asked if I wanted to come and I aid no because I was with this girl 👇👇

 So our friends birthdays we're on the same day and Daniel asked if I wanted to come and I aid no because I was with this girl 👇👇

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Strawburry17 aka Meghan Camerena. We had the time of our lives. But when she was done she went home and I decided to go to Daniel's friends party. And when I saw him for the first time in person I was just stunned like for real. But he had to leave and I was just left there for my uber.
* let's go a little bit forward in time because this gets a little more interesting*
We started dating for a few months and we had a discussion at my house and I broke Daniel's heart when we we're talking because we broke up. Daniel ran to the porch down the spiral stairs to his car and I called for his name and he was staring at me with his red watery eyes. I felt so bad and wanted to talk some more and he left later still in tears. We didn't talk much the next couple of months. I just didn't know who I was and I didn't know if I was ready to be gay or just be bi.
-Fast forward some more-
We started to talk some more and Daniel invited me to a house being built and we stared at the stars.  And later we we're back together and it as official and my viewers didn't know yet.  But they strated to assume we we're dating because he would be at my house so much and he would stay the night and he would have pictures of Wolf👇👇

  But they strated to assume we we're dating because he would be at my house so much and he would stay the night and he would have pictures of Wolf👇👇

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Yes this man. He started posting pictures of this handsome man. Which is was not a big problem it was fine. But then we made the video about it being official.

And then later we made a music video that relived all my stress

I live for the video. But being in this relationship is the best thing in my life. Daniel cheers me up and I have a shoulder to cry on and I live him so much.
But that's the story of how we met.
Good Damn Bye

A/N I'm so frekin sad that they are moving houses.

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