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( o. brown box )


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Yet time just seemed to continue on. It was almost as if no death had even happened, or at least that's what he thought.

He didn't even know she was dying, looking back now he hated himself for being so oblivious.

The girl had left him too many hints for him to realize. That was who he was although, he had to see it coming or wait until it passed to catch them.

The day that the information ever hit his ears, he cried. He would openly admit that to anyone, he bawled.

Tony could recount the boys blubbering, talking up a storm about couldnt you have done something? Don't you have technology that could've helped her? Something that could've made her live?

Tony's heart broke for the boy, no one should have to go through a loss like that. Not one of someone you love, not before you can even tell them.

Everyone knew Peter liked Mirabelle, everyone knew that the reverse was true too. The two would steal glances at each other, make small stupid smiles at each other, and in just general times they did everything that a fifteen year old with a crush did.

"Peter?" Tonys voice sounded outside of the door to the room that the young boy had been staying in. Inside the brunet boy could be seen hugging a photo of the girl, a few stray tears falling out of his brown eyes.

"What Tony?"

"You have a package, it's in a brown box," Tony said staring at the package. It was addressed to the boy, but that wasn't abnormal. What was abnormal though, that had to be the fact that it was sent by a dead girl.

"Just leave it at the door," Tony could hear even just through the door how broken the boy sounded. He just hoped that whatever was in that box could help him grieve. He hoped that whatever was in that box could give him something to hold onto, something to help him let go.

The idea of that box sitting at his door are the boy alive, why was he getting a package? What was in it?

Why was it wrapped in a brown paper?

"This feels likes a thirteen reasons why situation," Peter whispered, making himself laugh at the time of his life he felt was his lowest.

The walk to the door seemed to take forever for him, neverless the way that the door slowly opened to reveal the package. It stared up to the boy, his eyes flickering over the same messy type of hand writing that she had.

She sent him a box and she just wanted him to know what he meant to her. She wanted him to know how she loved him and how she wanted him to do some things for her. How she wanted him to be happy in life and how she knew that he was Spider-Man.

In that package we're a set of twelve videos, the last one being somewhat unfinished. Seven videos that were sent to him in order to explain how she loved him.

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