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chapter five
( v. dear peter )


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PETER FUMBLED WITH THE PAPER THAT SEEMED TO FLY OUT OF THE BOX. The label had a five on the envelope, which made Peter do a double take.

"Why in the world is there a letter?"

"Maybe she wanted you to be able to hold onto something," Tony smiled, patting the kids shoulder. The group had since left the kid, Tony being the one to stick around with him.

"You really think so?"

"I think I know her pretty well, despite the fact that I've only seen one video and only know things from what you've told me."

"Thanks Tony," Peter smiled up to the man, the paternal bond seeming more powerful than ever.

"Anytime kid, I'll leave you to face that letter."

Peter sighed, this was something physical he would have to deal with, something that he could touch and feel. Something that could remind him of her even more than her face. Which seemed odd for the man to think about, he was seeing her face in those, how could this be any different? But, rather he would decide to see it happen, he wanted the videos more than the paper. Because the videos can play and not decay but the paper can be destroyed, meaning everything she wrote could fade into oblivion. Which, in return, made the boy begin to think about whether or not she was fading into oblivion. If death was oblivion, wasn't she already gone?

But he wouldn't be able to answer those questions, not until he met the same fate she did. He didn't want that, not yet, hell he wasn't ready to loose her.

Which was why the young man thought that maybe reading it could give him an answer. Not to whether she was there, but as to what he could do to remember her, in a healthy way.

The paper fumbled under his hands, being able to feel the glide of paper between his fingers. He was going to be reading the stuff she once probably wanted to say.

'Dear Peter,

It seems odd to be writing a letter after I've made videos, but don't worry this is the only letter.

I wanted for this to be on paper; something that alter on you can look at and go 'oh she did that'.

Peter, I should have told you way before now, especially considering that I will never get to do anything with you. But, I love you.

You make my heart fill with butterflies and knees go weak. Peter, you always thought I couldn't tell but I knew you liked me too.

Your hands would fumble when you spoke to me for the longest, even thought we had known each other forever.

Inside of the envelope is the picture I remember most, it's from the night I forced you to homecoming with me. Both of us were dressed up in the best clothing we had seen in years, I made you go with me because of my crush. I thought that you would've gotten the hint, but of course you're a daft dimbo sometimes and you didn't see it.

But I still wish that I had told you, I wish that I could've kissed you before I leave. So, go to make up for that I've left a mark at the bottom of the page, please kiss it to look like a fool and to symbolically kiss me.

Or don't, you don't have to.


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