Chapter 4

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I've gotten better. I still have headaches, but they have gotten better. I was only out of school for a week, everyday Tommy came over and helped me out with the schoolwork. But as soon as I came back, he started acting different. Melanie did too. I shook it off. Today Mom drove me to school. I walk in and go to my locker to get my stuff for first period. I see Tommy and Melanie holding and hands. I wave at them. Melanie waves at me and Tommy just looks down. My morning classes go smooth. Now it's lunch time. I go to my locker and grab my lunch and band binder. My guitar was already in my band locker. I walk over to Tommy's locker and say "hi!" And smile brightly at him. He ignores me and closes his locker and walks off. I catch up with him. "Hey Tommy what's wrong?" I ask him. He pulls me outside and says "Valerie I don't think we should be friends anymore." While looking down. "What? What do you mean?" I say backing up. "I just can't be friends with you okay! Your weird, and no one likes you! So don't call or text me again!" He says walking off. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. Did I do something? Tears start falling from my eyes. I felt awful. I walk to the tree that me and Tommy first met. I sit down and cry. I pull out my phone and text him even though he didn't want me too. "I'm sorry Tommy. I don't know what I did but I'm sorry okay? I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Your my friend and I care about you. Can we please talk?" I say in my text, I click send.


I just told Valerie we couldn't be friends and I feel so bad. I wanted to be friends with her, no I didn't I wanted to be her boyfriend. I wanted to be the one, who calls her late at night, to tell her a lame pick up line, I wanted to be the one holding her hand through the hallways. I wanted to be the one to kiss her. I wanted to be the one someday waiting for her at the end of the aisle. A few tears slip from my eyes. I started dating Melanie the week Valerie came back. Mel was always jealous of me and Valerie's relationship, so she forced me to stop being friends with her, or she said she'd tell all the coaches that I was doing drugs so I would be kicked off any sports team and lose all my scholarships that I've gotten. Which wasn't true at all. But they wouldn't believe me so I did it. I ended me and Valerie's relationship and I feel awful. My phone buzzes and it was a text, a text from Valerie. "I'm sorry Tommy. I don't know what I did but I'm sorry okay? I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Your my friend and I care about you. Can we please talk?" It read. A few tears slip from my eyes. I could tell she was hurting. It killed me that she was. "What are you doing?" Melanie says. "Nothing, I was just telling Val to stop texting me. I send her a quick text. "STOP TALKING TO ME! I DONT LIKE YOU. AND NO WE CANT TALK ALRIGHT, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I say and click send. I regret it. My friend Tobias comes over and asks "hey man is it true Valerie cheating on the English test?" He say. "What? No. Who told you that?" I ask. "Melanie." He says. "Oh I'm gonna talk to her thanks man." I run up to Melanie and pull her by the wrist. "Ow Tommy! Stop it!" She says slapping my wrists. "What the hell Melanie! You told people that Valerie cheated in her English test?" I say really angry. "Yeah I mean it was true." She says twirling her hair. "That's bulls***! I'm done!" I say turning around walking away. "Oh no your not Tommy!" She says swinging me around." You know what I'll do. You can't break up with me!" She says. "Fine whatever!" I say turning around. Mel turns me around again. I could see Valerie walking up to me. "Kiss me, and prove to me you have no feelings for Valerie." She says looking deeply into my eyes. I look at Valerie and then at Mel. I kiss her imagining it was Valerie. We pull apart and I see Valerie running off. "Wait Valerie!" I say trying to run after her. "Oh no you don't!" Mel says grabbing my arm. "Your gonna help me make Valerie Rosewell miserable." She says smirking. "What? Why? She's your friend!" I say. "She deserves it. So are you gonna help me or do you want me to tell everyone your doing drugs? Your choice Tommy." She says smirking. "Okay, I'll do it" I say. She starts whispering her plan in my ear. It was awful. I'm sorry Valerie.


Sorry, the last few chapters were kinda just filter chapters. Now starts the drama! What do you guys think about Tommy turning on Valerie? Comment bellow! -Katie

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