Chapter 3

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I wake up around 5 to another extremely bad headache. Tommy was still sleeping peacefully beside me. I carefully untangle myself from his arms and head into the bathroom. I felt awful. Not only did my head feel bad, but I just felt sick, my stomach and my nose, everything. I was losing my voice too! Great! I open one the cabinets and grab some Tylenol. I take the Tylenol and use the bathroom and go back to my room. And crawl back into Tommy's arms and fall back asleep. I wake up around 9, to find Tommy was gone and my Mom was gone also, My Dad was on a business trip for the month so he wouldn't be here either. On my nightstand there was a note.


Thank you for letting me stay over the night. It was nice getting to know you better. I had to leave early to come back home to get ready for school. Your probably not going to be at school today, so I'll get all your school work. I'm come by your house later. Feel better :)


I smile at the note he left. My head felt better than it did earlier. I head downstairs and make some oatmeal and cup of tea for myself. I sit down and eat my breakfast as my phone starts buzzing. It was Mom. "Hello?" I say "Morning Val! How are you feeling?" She asks worried. "I feel bad, I had a headache earlier and took some Tylenol, and then went back to bed. I feel better now, but not by much." I say before I start coughing. "Okay. Have something to eat and then take a rest. Do you want me to pick up your school work from?" She asks. "No thanks, Tommy said he'd get it. He's gonna come over after school. Is that alright?" I ask. "Sure! He can come over. He seems like a nice boy. Are you sure you don't have a crush on him?" She asks. "Mom he's just a friend" I say. "Okay.. I'll see you later, get some rest. Love you!" She says. "Love you too Mom. Bye!" I say hanging up. I finish my oatmeal and put my bowl in the sink, and take my tea upstairs. I sit on my bed. I know I said I wasn't gonna like Tommy, but all I can think about is him now. It's only been a day. I take some more Tylenol. The headaches aren't as bad, as they were but there still there. I decide to watch The Fosters. It was one of my favorite shows. Time goes by fast. I decide I should take a shower, so I walk to the bathroom and turn on the water. I brush out my hair and strip of all my clothes. I step into my shower, and the warm water relieves my tense muscles. I wash my hair and body, and shave. I do my regular shower routine then turn off the water and step out and dry off. I brush my hair and teeth and grab my clothes and though them in the hamper. I grab a tampon and walk out. I get dressed and plop down on my bed. It was 3:30 now. I was just scrolling through my Instagram feed when the door bell rang, it must be Tommy. I run down stairs to find it's Melanie. "Oh hey Melanie!" Hi say letting her come in. We take a seat on the couch. "What do you mean oh?" She say curious. "I thought Tommy was coming over." I say scratching the back of my head. "He's coming over again?" She says. "What do you mean again?" I say worried. "Tommy told me he came over last night to drop off your stuff." She says smirking at me. "Yeah he did." I say blushing. "So Val, any cute boys you like at Smith yet?" Mel says still smirking at me. "Nope!" I say. I was a terrible liar and Melanie knows it. "Your lying and you and I both know it." She says picking at her nails. "Okay, you promise you won't tell anybody!" I say scooting closer. "Promise!" She says smiling big. "Tommy. Okay. I like him." I say turning away. "Oh. Yeah Tommy Ross is a cutie isn't he. Everybody loves Tommy so don't get your hopes up okay?" She says as we hug. "Okay." I say smiling. "Look I got to get home, I'll text you later." She gets getting up and walking out. I smile, and turn on the TV. I find myself watching MTV. Girl Talk was on, I thought that show was hilarious yet true. Then the door bell rang again, must be Mel, she left her purse here. I grab her bag and walk to the door. "You left this." I say looking up to see Tommy.

"That's not mine" he says as he walks in. "Oh sorry. Melanie was here earlier and she left her purse I thought she would come back for it but yeah." I say laughing. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I say. "Um water is good." He says taking a seat on a stool. I fill up a glass of water and hand it to him. He thanks me and I take a seat next to him. We begin working on the school work. After a few hours, we finally finish. We were joking around and laughing the whole time. But that was fine with me. "Hey I'm gonna order a pizza okay?" I say still laughing. "Okay." He says. I order the pizza and then we both plop down in my couch. Mom walks in the door. "Hey Valerie, hey Tommy! How are you?" She says putting her bag down. "I'm grand, thank you. I'm on a roller-coaster that only goes up m'am." He says as I laugh. "You quoted the book" I say. My mom rolls her eyes and walks upstairs. "I ordered pizza Mom!" I say. "Okay hun! I'm not really hungry but thank you!" She says closing her door. I sit back down with Tommy. "So have you ever tried contacting this John Green?" Tommy says looking at me. "Yes, so many times. But he's very busy, so he's never written back" I say looking down. "I've always wanted to know what happens to Hazel after Augustus dies. You don't even know how many countless times I've cried over this book" I say laughing. "I have too." He says quietly. "Really?" I say as the door bell rings. I get up and grab some money off the coffee table and walk to the door. I pay the man and Tommy helps bring the food into the kitchen. I grab paper plates and 2 cokes from the fridge and hand one to him. We eat and discuss how much we loved the book. We also talked about how the movie was coming out in a few months . Time flew fast. "Oh well, it's 7 now. I should get going." Tommy says getting up. I walk him to the door. "Thanks for coming over." I say. "Anytime Val. If you ever need anything I'm here okay?" He says smiling at me. "Okay." I say hugging him he walks out and I close the door. I clean up and walk upstairs. Mom comes out of her room and says "Are you sure you don't have a crush on him?" As she crosses her arms. "Maybe a little bit. Goodnight Mama!" I say hugging her and going to my room. I close my door. I know it was early but I was tired so I fell asleep, into a deep blissful sleep.


In this chapter I said that Tommy and Valerie discussed that The Fault In Our Stars was coming our in a few months. The story at the time takes place in October. Just pretend it didn't come out yet. Thank you! - Katie

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