Chapter 1

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"You ready?" Melanie says smearing lip gloss on, looking into her rear view mirror. "Yeah." I say looking down tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear, clutching my books to my chest. Melanie is my best friend we used to not go to the same school, but I just transferred. So today marks my first day of Smith High School. I'm Valerie Rosewell, I'm like any normal teenager, I laugh and cry, smile and someday eventually die. I'm pretty un-extraordinary. "Hey don't worry. Smith kids aren't as bad as you think. I promise." She says glancing at herself in the mirror again. The bell rings and I flinch. "I gotta go, see you later." I say getting out of Melanie's car and jogging up the stairs, entering the sea of hormonal teenagers.

I head to my locker and enter the combination quickly, shoving my textbooks and lunch inside. I grab my history binder and close the locker. After a few minutes of searching I found my history class. "Ms. Rosewell, why are you late this morning?" a man I'm guessing my teacher asks. I swallow the lump in my thought. "I uh was lost sir. It won't happen, I promise." I say looking at him then looking down at the green floor tiles. "Okay, now take a seat." He says as I quickly take a seat in the back of the room next to a window. I see people staring and pointing at me. I ignore it. Class goes by fast. The bell rings again and I'm the first one out the room.

2nd, 3rd, and 4th period go quickly and I head to my locker. Melanie walks up to me handing me my guitar. "You forgot this in my car." She says smiling. "Oh yeah, sorry I forgot." I say taking it from her. "Thanks." I say opening my locker. "Do you wanna sit with me at lunch?" She says kinda annoyed. "No, thanks I think I'll eat outside." I say smiling briefly at her. I put all my books and binders back and grab my lunch and close my locker again. I didn't feel like eating in the cafeteria, and it was a beautiful day outside so I found myself sitting down underneath a tree. I open my guitar case and take my guitar out. I start strumming chords, eventually I find myself playing and singing Heart on Fire by Jonathan Clay.

"I'm falling in

I'm falling down

I wanna begin but I don't know how

To let you know,

how I'm feeling.

I'm high on hope

I'm reeling."

I start to sing the chorus closing my eyes and reading getting into the song. All of a sudden I hear clapping. I stop playing. The boy sits down next to me. My heart starts beating rapidly. "That was amazing." He says staring deeply into my brown eyes. "Thanks" I say turning away and blushing. "I'm Tommy, Tommy Ross. I don't think I've seen you around here before." He says shaking my hand. "Valerie Rosewell. and yes, you probably haven't seen me around here, because today is my first day here. I just transferred." I say smiling biting into my apple. We talk for a little while. And in the little bit that I talked to him, I found out that Tommy is really funny, nice, and genuine.

The bell rings again. "What's you next class Valerie?" He says still laughing. "Umm I think English." I say putting my guitar back in it's case walking back into school with Tommy. I head to my locker again, grabbing my English textbook and binder and notice Tommy is still next to me. I close my locker. "You didn't have to wait for me." I say smiling. "Yes I did, now c'mon we gotta get to class." He says starting to skip threw the halls. "Wow, what a goofball." I mumble jogging toward him. We enter the classroom and we take a seat in the back next to each other. I was near a window Tommy was next to me, and Melanie was on the other side of me. "Hey Mel!" I say. She waves awkwardly and gives me a fake smile. "So Tommy, how was your summer?" She says putting her head in the palm of the hands as if she was daydreaming of him. I roll my eyes and pay attention to the teacher. I tried really hard to concentrate on what Mrs. Munroe was saying but all I could think about was Tommy. I could hear Melanie giggle at everything he said. I don't know why but I think I was falling for him. I had to stop. I knew I was gonna get hurt. Tommy Ross was the popular boy at school. Now that I think of it everyone wanted to talk to him in the hallway. All the girls were drooling at him and the funny thing is I actually thought I had a chance. I bell rings again and I storm out.

I run to my locker, I could hear Tommy yelling my name. I put my binder and textbook away and grab my Band book, and close my locker, and bolt for the band room before Tommy caught up with me. When I got to the band room I take a seat in the first chair. And pull out my guitar, and start strumming along to Heart on Fire again. I start humming instead of singing the song this time. Class goes by fast, and the bell rings once again. I take my band book and my guitar and head for the gym. I leave my stuff in the locker room, and take a seat on the bleachers, while everyone is changing in there gym uniform. I see Tommy and Melanie walk in together, all of a sudden, I get a really bad headache, like a really bad one. I put my head in my hands and groan in pain. Someone sits next to me. "Hey Valerie, I was looking for you. Why did you run off so quickly after English?" He says looking down then looking at me. I groan again louder. "Valerie are you okay?" He says getting worried. I shake my head whimpering. I look up at him as a few tears slip from my eyes. "My head Tommy, it hurts so bad." I say whimpering. I yell in pain this time. "I'm getting a teacher, c'mon." He says helping me up. We walk down the bleachers and he starts talking to the teacher. Everything starts getting blurring and I felt as if the room was spinning. My head got heavy. All I remember Tommy yelling my name "VALERIE!" Then everything went black.

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