Chapter 4- What happened?

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~Avery's POV~

        From the moment I wake up, I can't breathe without it hurting, or move my body. I can open my eyes, but It's like I'm a statue and the only thing I can do is watch as the chaos unfolds in front of me. I can't see that well at first, I see blurring objects of all colors. Then when they start to focus more, I start to see clear objects. I'm still in the car, I see the roof, but not the windshield. Why am I looking at the roof?

        After a few minutes, I start to be able to move my head a bit, it feels as if it's on fire. I turn it to the left and I see a cloud of blonde, pink, and red hair. That would be Kelsey, but when did she get red in her hair?

        "Kelsey?" I almost don't recognize my own voice, it's raspy and sharp. There is no response...

        Getting the feeling back into my body, I reach for my seat-belt. At first I fumble but after a few tries I succeed, unlatching myself. "Umff" Which makes me fall downwards, and I'm suddenly out of breathe as my body hits the roof of the truck.

        Crawling over to what I think is Kelsey, shes hanging from her seat-belt which is over her chest and lap. I reach to unbuckle her, and catch her as she falls downwards. Which was more of my body blocking her from hitting the roof too hard.

        "Kelseyyyyy," pushing her blondish hair out of her face looking at her face and seeing how pale and cold it feels. I move my fingers to just below her neck to check her pulse, it was beating but barely. My eye's are watering and pouring down on her face. The face of my best friend.

        "Please don't die. Pleasee-" My voice is so raspy it hurts to talk. Keeping my fingers on her neck I hold her close to my heart, and just cry.

        "It's okay." My sobs are so loud that I almost missed her whisper. Pulling her away from me and I move her hair out of her face and look at her.

        "Oh my God, your alive, stay awake. The ambulance will be here soon, please. I love you."

        "Careful wh-here you-u cry. Your gon-n-na smear m-y-y makeup."

        "Hahaha, oh you and your sense of humor, even when you could possibly die," A smile appears on her face as the pulse starts to drop down.


        "I love yo-u-u." Are the last words I hear out of my best friends mouth before her pulse stops.

        I set her down and turn my body to the back of the truck and see Abby, and Olivia still sitting in their seats hanging upside down. I hear faint sirens in the distance, slowly getting louder. Their faces are so pale, yet they have red everywhere on them. I don't know what to do, I'm the last one alive. I crawl into a ball, hugging my legs to my body shaking with sobs.

        "It's all my fault. It's all my fault."

----- 20 hours later -----

        I wake up, but I don't open my eyes. I just want to sleep and mourn to myself. Then someone grabs my hand and talks to a person next to them.

        "What do we do." From the voice I realized it was Michael. Then i hear a squeak of a chair, and then i figure he sat down next to me.

        "I don't know, I mean we love her to death but how do you tell her something like that?" The second voice i think is my bother Adam, the oldest. What is he doing here?

        "So we don't tell her until she gets better, with her condition if she gets too upset something bad could happen."

        I open my eyes, they being too wrapped up in their conversation to notice until I say, "Don't tell me what-t?" my voice is still hoarse but it seem to have gotten worse as I slept.

        Michael, and Adam just sit there and stare at me until, Michael bursts into tears. Putting his head down on my white bed. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, they weren't there in time."

        "Time for what, what are you keeping from me!"

        "Ab-by, and Ol-i-via a-are go-n-e."

        I could barely make out what he was trying to say because of how loud his sobbing was and how soft his words seemed. Then it hit me, they were dead. gone. forever...

        "GET OUT! GET OUT NOW! JUST GET OUT!" Screaming at both of them which just made Michael cry harder and made Adam jump. Adam reached for the door and told Michael to follow him and just let me have some peace. Before Michael left he blew me a kiss, and said how much me loves me.

        What do I do? Abby, and Olivia were gone. They would never be able to say goodbye to Calum and Ashton. Never be able to tell them how much they love them. What about Kelsey? What happened to her, I though her pulse stopped and yet they didn't say anything about her dying. Where is she?

        I look around my room, it was almost all white, walls, sheets and all. I'm on the only bed in the room, I have cords all attached to me. Some funny colored liquids are going through them and into me. I look around, The bed is in the middle of the room, windows are to the right, It's raining, and thundering outside. Looking forward I see a bathroom, and a table full of flowers, from daisy's too roses and get well soon cards. Looking to my left I see windows, but not to the outside, to the doctors and other patients.

        Then I look back at my bed, at the end of it is a clipboard, I reach for it, which hurts more then I thought it would. My fingers skim the top of the board before I lay back down, my head is pounding, and feels like it's going to explode. My body aches everywhere and it feels like i'm on fire, burning from the inside out.

        I have to do this though, I have to be able to see what all is wrong with me. Reaching for the board again, my fingers just barely grabbing hold of it before I collapsed down on the bed, the covers up to my stomach. the clipboard was heavier then I would expect from just a car crash.

        I open up the clipboard after a lot of struggling and read the first page saying all my personal information, then I flip to the next page, more personal information. The third said all about the car crash and what all happened to me, I broke my right leg, and my right shoulder got dislocated.

        Then it went on with a lot of medical terms, and some words that I understood. I was scheduled for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan (MRI). They want to make sure that I am fully healthy besides the crash. Its scheduled for tomorrow...

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