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January 2nd

Dear Santa,

I can't believe that I actually brought her with me! Now my whole family thinks that this weird and annoying girl that you sent me is my girlfriend! They thought that I was afraid to come out of the closet all these years. I'm supposed to have a fruitful start this year, but it's ruined now! This is all because you left me with no choice!

She also said that it was her birthday yesterday, but I couldn't care less about her. If she wants to celebrate it that bad, then she should've left me alone!

PS: It's your first time sending a letter on the same day that I did. What's with you? And why is there always a day difference between your replies and mine?



January 3rd

Dear Karina,

It was a girlfriend all along and you simply mistook her for a boy.

I also have a lot of things to do, so I cannot prioritize people like you all the time. I responded to you on the same day because it was a situation that needed an immediate response.


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