Chapter 15

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(Picture above is Rosie's room except for her teddy corner which will be on top of next chapter . This isn't including her play room either.)
Harry's PoV
So I finally decided to show Joel,Niall,Liam etc etc Rosie's rooms and they are amazed with my work but I just want the best for my baby girl. They were shocked I managed to get it all in here without being caught but I have my ways. They were also confused as to how I made such a sweet room without a girls help but what they don't know is my sister Jessie helped me out a bit, she doesn't know why though as she hasn't seen the interior decoration just gave me ideas for a five year olds room.

Rosie's PoV
All my brothers agreed that I am not going back to school till after the summer Holliday. The summer holidays are in two weeks so I get four extra weeks off than everyone else heheh. I wake up at about ten and shower. I walk back into my room dry and brush my hair and put on baby blue jeans and a pink jumper top. When I finally go downstairs.  No one is home so I make myself chocolate pancakes.  After that I check outside and it's really hot so I put on my bikini grab my towel and go into the pool in the garden. After an hour or two I go back inside and dry off. I go upstairs put my clothes I was wearing earlier back on and lay on the sofa watching Peter Pan. I mean,don't get me wrong being off school is really fun but 'it is getting boring because I literally can't leave the house until one of my brothers is home or Kyle and hunter comes round to see me. Which is rarely ever recently. I don't know why,I'm gonna call him. I skip upstairs to where my phone is sat on my bed and call Kyle, he's more likely to answer. It rings for what seems like forever then ends. It's only 1 and I'm hella bored. They boys aren't home until 7 so this will be very boring for meeeee.

Harry's PoV
I need to get Rosie soon or I'll lose all chances because her brothers are becoming more careful and protective by the day. Soon I won't be able to get to her so I have to do it in the next week. I'll arrange it with Joel and Niall tomorrow as they will be helping me. It's now midnight so I walk upstairs to my room and shower and then put on some clean boxers to go to sleep in. Busy day in the morning. Once I wake up,it's 10am, I don't do early mornings, I walk downstairs to where Joel and Niall have let themselves in as they always do and have helped themselves to my food. But made me some so it's fine. We sit down and eat our pancakes and then discuss how we are gonna get Rosie

Rosie's PoV
I skip downstairs after waking up and changing into a pink top and shorts as it is currently 25 degrees. All of my brothers are sat around the kitchen table which is strange as they are never awake before 11 when they don't have their work. Jay calls me over and asks me to sit down, "Rosie, I'm afraid we have to go on a business trip with work, all of us except Luke as he is staying here with you. Also hunter will be here too as he is gonna come stay and help Luke with you and the house." Jay says   "But why do al, five of you have to go what even is your jobs anyway?" I ask and they all just look at me cuz they told me not to ask about their work as it is their private business not mine but you can't have a go at me for being curious right? "Ok fine sorry" I say and Luke gets up and passes me the pancakes Nathan had made just before " thank you" I nod whilst taking a big bite of the chocolate chip pancakes.  All the boys scatter off to their rooms and once I've finished my breakfast I shout up the stairs that I'm going to go into the pool, I run upstairs and change into my baby blue bikini and grab my towel, I skip downstairs and put all my things down then jump into the pool.

An hour later, the patio door slides open and there stands Hunter in his swim shorts he walks over to the pool where I am sitting and picks me up I scream "Hunter no! Don't you even think about..." before I can even finish my sentence he throws me in and jumps in after me. We both surface and start laughing "I hate you so much sometimes" I laugh and then we start playing catch for the next few hours. My brothers call us in for lunch as it is now 2 and they all sit down as we enjoy our food. "Rosie, we leave in two days for our trip so make sure you are good for Luke and hunter okay" Nathan says warning me to be good.  I nod and carry in eating. "Oh also Samantha is coming round tomorrow because she's back from Holliday" Austin adds and I smile "yay she's finally home" I giggle. After lunch all the boys go and play fortnite. I don't know what the big deal is with that game but it keeps them quiet and not arguing apart from when they die. As there are six of them. Nathan,Austin,Riley and jay play squads together so they are all on the same team and then Alec and Luke play duos so they are a pair on the sane team. They are all quiet until someone dies then they start shouting and blaming each other but other then that it's all good.  Hunter and I go back outside and play in the swings, he pushes me for a bit and then we jump back into the pool, it is four pm and still so hot.  It's Riley's turn to make dinner tonight so he decides to make tacos! One of my personal favourites. Knowing him it'll be ready by seven.

Riley's PoV
After about 2 hours of Fortnite with Nathan,Austin and jay I fuck off downstairs to make dinner as we have a router on who does it in each day. Rosie never cooks tho only makes cookies with jay sometimes. Once I've finished making the tacos it is now seven so I shout everyone and by the time we're all finished eating it's half eight. Jay,Austin,Alec and hunter all sit down on the couch with Rosie to watch bam I and Nathan and I clear up the kitchen and start packing our stuff in the private work room keep locked. The private work room is where we keep our gang shit we have to keep at him like our duties jobs and anything harry gives us to do or work on.  After we've packed it's ten so we take Rosie, who fell asleep watching the film, up to bed as she's al ready in her pyjamas.  Once she's in bed the rest of them pack and we put all our bags in the storage room ready for the trip. It's one in the morning before any of us when think about sleep.

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