Chapter 21

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(Harry's office above).
Why is everything in this house made for babies but enlarged. Why is that a thing....

Rosie's PoV
After about 2 hours. Harry comes in and sits next to me. "What you doing?" He asked and I point to the colouring books. He gets up and turns on the tv, I didn't even realise that was there, he hands me the remote and says "put on whatever cartoons you like or even go on Netflix and watch a film, Niall will be up in a bit to play with you as I have to do some work." He picks me up and hugs me then walks over to the beanbag corner and sets me down and passes me a blanket. "Take a nap if you want" he hands me my colouring books and the tv remote and puts a small table in front of me. Joel comes up with a bowl of popcorn and a drink. He puts it on the small table and they both say bye and leave. I go on Netflix and put on a film and fall asleep somewhat half way through.

When I wake up, I rub my eyes hoping this has all been one big nightmare but no when I open my eyes I'm in the same room I was bought to when I woke up from being kidnapped,  i think its a playroom of some sort. I hope my brothers are looking for me.i have no idea who these people are that I'm with right now except one, Joel. Wait, does that mean he used Sam or she knows where I am. Whilst I'm deep in thought I didn't even realise that someone has walked in until they coughed which scared the living crap outta me. It was Joel "did you use Sam?" Wow that's the first sentence I've said without stuttering, then again it's only Joel, he's not scary at all. He nods his head slowly and says "it was part of my mission and I always complete my missions. I don't like her one bit, anyway it's time for dinner,cmon." He picks me up and carries me downstairs whilst I kick and punch him, he hands me to harry I think his name is, the curly haired one and I freeze. Crap. He puts me in a high chair and hands me steak and chips, yum. After dinner I'm picked up and taken upstairs where harry hands me shorts and a top and tells me to change. I got to walk in the bathroom and he grabs me "no, princess change here". What? He wants me to change in front of him. I've known him like two days.what the hell is he thinking.  I shake my head, refusing to speak and walk towards the bathroom he says "fine you can change in private for now gorgeous but soon you'll have to get over it and let daddy see you." I ignore him and lock the door, get changed and walk back out. He gave me some cute lil shorts with unicorns on and a oversized T-shirt, my favourite but the stop is longer. He also gave me underwear too.  He picks me up and takes me downstairs. It's 9pm, he hands me to the blonde guy, Niall I believe who sits down with me in his lap and says "bed time in an hour hun. Wanna watch so,me tv or go play in your playpen over there" he points to the corner of the room, damn I didn't see that it was a pen with fence around it probably just smaller than me so bout neck height but like waist height to them. I point to the pen so he stands up and sets me down in it, handing me a small, white pony stuffy and shows me where the colouring in stuff is. I have only just realised he has an accent. Irish to be precise.  In one corner was the colouring stuff. In the other corner was cars and pony toys and in another corner was stuffies but the last corner. After an hour has passed, a guy walks up to me but I cannot remember if he's Louis or Liam. Oops. He asks me if he can pick me up and I nod so he picks me up and we walk upstairs to 'my' room as we call it.  He lays me down in the crib and turns off the light as he walks out "night angel" he closes the door and I hear him head downstairs.

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