DW x reader first day at school

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(A/N: i am sorry if you don't like the way i write my stories i am trying to get better besides i am typing on my brother's computer cuz my phone is sadly broken)


ugh its another day of hell-well i mean school. i mean isn't school is just waste of time? ?well....if you already in a weird ass school with me in gotham...yes. i feel you bro. i got up from my bed and did my normal stuff as i finished and walked downstairs i said good morning t

to my mom as she smiled "ready for school" said my mom as i answered "maybe you won't love the answer mother" i said as i took a deep breathe "honey..i know that you hate it here .. and i know that  you miss our home.. but you have to get along with life here y/n ,you know that " i sighed as i looked at her she is right.. i have to get  along with living in  here as my  thoughts stopped when my mom spoke "come on move on young lady you are gonna be late"  my mom said as i nodded

-time skip cuz i am Batman-

i was already at my own seat as the teacher got inside "good morning class. today we have a new student please come inside" everything went quiet as a boy with black hair and green eyes walked inside. he had a serious look on his face. all the hoes- i mean girls started speaking about him as i  looked at him....is he the son of Bruce Wayne? he literally looks like him_"the name is Damian Wayne." see? i  never say something wrong. "that's all you need to know..now where i will sit?" he said as the teacher spoke "behind l/n" she said as he looked straight at me . he walked to me as he said behind me"oh miss l/n do you know Wayne? " she said as he cut me off before speaking "its the only seat that is empty i don't know her" he said as i closed my mouth as i thought 'rude'

whatever. the teacher started her boring class after as i tried my best to focus but his damn feet is right behind mine and i can't move them back and froth like i love to do. this guy is getting on my nerves !!!!!!!!!

the bell finally ranged as i packed my stuff and was about to head outside until this little asshole pushed me so he can get out first causing all my books to fall down. i frowned angrily ass i sword to mother maria if he fucking did this again i will fucking stuck chair in his ass. i packed my stuff as i tried my best not listening to those stupid comments from the other students. as i walked to the other class which was actually art i felt someone was behind me. i looked behind me as i saw the little saintan looking at me "hey what do you think you are looking at?" the both of us said at the same time as his eyes winded  "ugh why am i even speaking with you?" i said as i left 

the next class was boring af too the teacher asked us to draw fruits and shit as i tried to focus on the drawing but i couldn't all i was thinking about is that annoying demon.  i looked at the clocking hoping that the bell is going to ring as it did. i left to the lunch. finally i was about to eat a horse if they didn't feed me anything.

i said down as i ate my own food. my e/c caught green ones as i sighed and rolled them trying to act normally 

Damian POV

this girl who calls l/n  is annoying and yes i know her. i saved her before from getting raped by a drunk man while i was robin of course . but all she did she screamed at my face and pushed me away saying that she could help herself by herself. sense that day i have been watching her ...well spying on her... don't judge me she is the one who got my attention. she seems lonely as well.. i asked my father that i want to go to school as well as the other teenagers...well not to learn some stupid shit that i already know but i wanted to know more about this girl. 

as i said

its not my fault that she got my attention

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