DW x reader heart break

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(idk...dramatic much?)

okay in this one the reader and Damian gonna be like 20's in the end of this one shot so yeah grab tissues and sit down my children. this gonna be a long night. . . for all of us

y/n pov

i smiled as  today i found out something big...really big and i am sure Damian will be happy if he knew it. yes. i am pregnant !its been more than 4 years sense we are together and it finally happened! i hope its a boy ...who is strong like him. i was  in my job as i finally finished and walked back to Bruce's mansion. i knocked as Alfred opened the door. i hugged him as he smiled and hugged me back "welcome home miss y/n" he said as i walked "where is Damian and the others?"i asked as i kept walking. "Damian in his bedroom and he was waiting for you." he said as i nodded and walked to damian's room as i knocked on the door. 

i heard footsteps and the door opened as i saw Damian. i hugged him as he didn't return it..weird...usually he would return the hug ..i looked at him as he wasn't looking at me. he was looking down as he backed away from me. "Damian...is there something wrong?"i said as he spoke "y/n listen to me clearly...i don't want to continue this..." he said as i looked at him kind of choked.."Damian.. this isn't funny you know.."i said as he looked at me. emotionless look was the only thing i could see."...so...you found someone better..?"i said as he kept quiet.."...its...its Raven...right?" i said as i slowly backed away and held my stomach.. "....yes."he said as he walked closer to me "stay back..." i said as i was trying to hold my tears and my anger.."i get it...its aright..."i said as he continued "we can still be friends-" he said as i cut him off "no.i...wish for you...best...but...i don't think we will move on if we still be ...friends..." i said as he nodded 

"so...this is a goodbye?" he said as he seemed hurt but he tried his best to hide it "yes...but you know what...thank you for at least telling me that you found the one before i leave...at least i won't be worried about you...Raven is a good girl...and...i hope you two get along as well." i said as my voice cracked at the last two words."...i understand...and i hope you move on.." he said as i looked at him "i promise you... i will move on Damian...and you will see.." i said as i held my stomach more thinking about the baby.he noticed it as he spoke "is there something wrong with your stomach? i can give you medicine." he said as i shook my head "n_no." i said as he nodded "goodbye.." i said as i walked out "y/n wait" i heard him said as i tried my best to run. but i dumped into Raven. "sorry."i said as i ran. from that day i thought for myself...the baby didn't do anything so i can get rid of it...i am gonna keep it...even if its the last thing i do in my hole life...

_time skip 8 years. now you are 26 and Damian 27_

i moved on as i promised him. now i have a big and famous nursery school.. and of course i gave a birth to my baby. his name is Wilan... he looks like his father and Bruce...but he is gonna be stronger than them..i promise.. he is at the same nursery school i  work at. he is famous and he is polite. i didn't really wanted to date... i didn't want to be with anyone anymore.. i just want to take care of my son..and that's it.

Damian pov

i was walking as i decided to go to Gotham's Park as i was sitting down. i didn't know that they opened a nursery school here. i stared at it as i looked at the kids there. then i suddenly though of y/n...if we were together now..i think that maybe we would have kids and probably married.. after what happened between us i never got in a serious date. i was a playboy lets be honest.. i broke with Raven too sense she wanted to be back home i guess. i closed my eyes and took a deep breathe as i opened my eyes. i saw a kid was sitting alone on the grass. he had black hair as e/c eyes..to be honest he reminded me of myself. he had a doll in his hand which looked like a batman doll. he was focusing on something not paying attention to me. suddenly he looked at me " i could feel you staring at me for a while now. don't you think that staring at people is rude?" he said as i laughed.yes.that is the tiny me."i don't see what i just said was funny." he said as i spoke "what is your name kid?" i said as he waited for a while then spoke "Wilan." he said as i walked towards him and kneed down in front of him so i could be at the same height like him

"okay,Wilan. where is your parents." i said as he spoke "my mom is the owner of this nursery school.she is coming to get me at any minute. thanks for asking anyways."he said as he had a serious look on his face "Wilan." i heard a female voice said as i left like i know who is the owner of this voice is."i didn't know you had older friend. why didn't you tell me." the voice said with a small chuckle "we just met,mom." mom? i looked back as i got up only to be faced with a beautiful face "y/n?" i said as she didn't seem choked "i see you met Wilan." she said as the boy got up and hugged her. she returned the hug not breaking the eye contact we had. "so you moved on?" i said as the answer chocked me even more "yes. and no." i gave her a confused look as she continued "yes i moved on but Wilan isn't adopted." she said as  I looked at him "Wilan. say hi to your father." she said as i gave her a serious look. "he isn't mine." i said as she chuckled "i will show you. he is yours." she said as Wilan looked at me from the head to toe "لم هعتقد قط ان ابي قصير القامة....(i never thought before that my father is gonna be that short)"

Wilan said in Arabic as i smirked at Damian "so have anything else to say?" she said as i looked at them both. "you did what my mom did. y/n" i said as she chuckled."its okay Damian. at least. you know that you have a blood son."she said as she continued "do you know why i was holding my stomach that day then?" 


yes i do.

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