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Grayden walked through the halls of his school idling around. "Hey Gray!" Joney shouted as she ran to catch up with him, she looked down at him. "Did you see the news?!" She asked concerned. Grayden looked up at her for a sec. "Yeah, Rose's dad was covered in burn marks...." he trailed off for a sec, "do you think she? You know?" "Yeah that'd explain why she's not here." She looked over at him worried. "They said he's very lucky to be alive." Grayden looked over his shoulder to make sure no one heard them. "She said she thought about lighting people on fire, or at least that's what Tristan said.....she actually did it. Damn" Joney looked at him concerned, "We're going to find her, it's Friday and we have all weekend." Grayden looked up and sighed, his breath escaped his lips. They walked in silence for the remainder of the school. At the end of school Tristan ran to them and accidentally bumped into a girl, she fell to the ground with a thud. She looked up, her hood fell showing her reddish hair. Her green eyes looked at his large build. "Sorry um?" Tristan said as he helped her up and handed her the rainbow bag she dropped. "My n-name is Ash." She stuttered out as she decided to walk off. Tristan looked at her for a moment and then ran after Grayden and Joney. They looked around for a second, "Um where's Aiden?" Grayden said still looking around, a large boom heard a mile away shocked everyone as glass shattered. Aiden stopped as fast as he could beside everyone. "Two words. Sonic. Boom!" Everyone looked at him for a second and decided he'd be perfect to find Rose. After discussing the plan they left in teams, the cool autumn wind still blowing around. "So what we do is Joney teams up with Aiden, and Tristan and I will team up." Grayden said as he looked at them, Joney and Tristan towered over him, both being 6 ft tall and Grayden being 5'7 and Aiden 5'4. Grayden's navy blue jacket unzipped and blowing a bit in the breeze, Tristan in his black and grey plaid shirt. Grayden hopped into Tristan's truck and they drove off, Aiden and Joney running off to the small city that had so many abandoned buildings. After a 20 minute drive later. Tristan turned off his truck and him and Grayden decided to look around. The smell of smoke emitted from the top of an abandoned building, bricks crumbling as the sun began to set. "Tristan I'll meet you at the top?" Grayden asked as he began to levitate. "Yep!" Tristan shouted as he jumped and began scaling the brick wall. Tristan and Grayden reached to the top only to see a trail of smoke and fire reach another rooftop. "That's her!" Grayden said as he ran after the figure. Tristan jumped across the 3 story tall rooftops. Grayden followed suit, sweat leaving his brow from the anxiety he had being this high up. Fireballs shot from the figure's hands, the hot flames blasted Tristan. His shirt burned off as he ran shirtless across the buildings. The figure back flipped off the building and dispersed into smoke. The black smoke flying through bottom cracks of the building. "Damnit!" Tristan shouted in frustration as Grayden approached him puffing out of breath. Another figure appeared behind the two guys. His icy skin grabbing onto their necks choking the life out of them. "H-help!" Grayden choked out as the ice began to freeze his skin. The figure of smoke shot up the side of the building landing with a large explosion of flames and smoke. The smoke seeped into the man's nose and he coughed out. "I hate smoke." He said in a deep gravely voice. "Put. Down. My. Friends!" I shouted looking at him, the evening sunlight shining on the rooftop. "Fine." He said as his ice shot threw Grayden's body. The scent of blood and smoke filled the air as Tristan gasped for air and Grayden coughed out blood. A sinister, sadistic smile crept onto my face and a dark, fucked up laugh left me. Flames shot out from behind him and began to burn his clothes though he sent a wave of ice which choked the fire. "So you can control your flames?" He said slightly impressed looking at my torn demeanour. He smirked and charged at me with ice coming out his coat. I vanished into smoke and reappeared behind him and kicked him to the ground. He looked up at me and ice crept along my body. My flames melted me out as a got a few feet away. Stone crumbling under my feet. I thought for a second, scanning the area for any sources of fire to control or to absorb. I was running low on flames. I ran at him and slid under his legs, "What's that?! You scared?!" He shouted as I light my metallic black zippo lighter and ran back at him, the lighter left on the ground. We fought hand to hand. Smoke left my hands from each punch and ice shards left his. I back flipped and shot him back with a fire ball. He backed up with singed clothes and thick ice surrounding his arms. "Your flames do nothing little boy!" He shouted as he stood up with his back a few feet away from the ledge and near my lighter. I looked at him with a sick twisted smile, "Actually!" I got out as a large explosion of flames burned his flesh. His screams came out as he looked at me. "Actually little boy..." he said behind me and stabbed me in the back with a dagger. "You lost." He said looking at me his cold eyes staring into my soul. "H-how?" I choked out, blood coming out my mouth. I could taste the hints of iron in my blood. "I made a clone out of ice." He said as he kicked me to the ground. The blood leaving my body, smoke barely forming, tears left my eyes as I finally experienced my fear. The fear of failure which haunted me since I was little. The fear that made me act all powerful as to not fail, the thing that made me feel invincible because I thought I'd never fail. Blood left me faster till I saw a light. This light blinded me as I felt numbness take over my body. I watched as the man left, my friends laying in pain dying there. "You failed little boy." He said sinisterly as he left. Those damned words trailed in my head, they felt like daggers piercing my heart. I lost...and now it was my time to die. Or so I thought.

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