5. | A Confident Lil' Penguin

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Oh hey!! Sorry that I'm practically dead haha!! (0w0')

Seriously though, I'll try to get updates in as soon as possible! Work sucks and there's too many distractions going on these days~!

Image by: Anime

. .: :. .

"Okay..." Dawn put on a determined face and looked down at Nagisa with a smile. "Lucas said it's a good idea to stay here and train for a bit, so that's what we'll be doing!"

Surely a wild pokémon would be easier to battle with compared to a trainer.

Nagisa's expression reflected worry, as he wasn't really sure about battling anymore after what happened with Turtwig. Then again... Chimchar looked like he was having fun, so maybe it wasn't all bad.

Upon noticing his hesitance, Dawn was quick to assure him. "We can scout the area for an easy-looking opponent, which shouldn't be too difficult." The Piplup turned to look over at Natsu; a simple nod from her was enough to put him in some ease. With that, the trio began their search through the forest.

Bidoof seem to be the majority of the fauna here (at least, that was all they could find). Much to Dawn's prickle of annoyance, Nagisa refused to get close to any of them, let alone fight.

They don't even look that strong... She exhaled through her nose, trying to keep herself calm.

Natsu glanced up at her for a moment before locking her eyes on a Starly that had flown down from a tree, presumably searching for food. A simple head-bump to Dawn's leg was enough to draw the girl's attention, with Natsu angling her ears toward the bird in gesture. "Oh, finally, something that's not a Bidoof." Dawn looked over at Nagisa and pointed ahead. "Well? What do ya think?"

The water-type, although nervous, chirped his approval and waddled just a little closer toward the Starly. 'Hey, you! We're gonna battle!' He earned a questioning stare before the other pokémon began to stretch its wings.

"I like the determination!" Dawn grinned, eager for the end results of this fight. "Let's start off with Growl!"

Nagisa inhaled deeply then he released a piercing chirp that caused Starly to hesitate for a split second. With its wing muscles warmed up, it took off toward Nagisa to deliver a Tackle. The Piplup tumbled back with a squeak, his eyes beginning to tear up. But, upon realizing that the impact didn't hurt as much as he had expected it to, he stopped and pushed himself back up. This earned a smile from Dawn. "Look at you, tough guy! Now, go in for a Pound attack!" Beaming from her praise, Nagisa smacked Starly away to create some distance between them. He also managed to narrowly dodge another Tackle. "Keep attacking with Pound!"

Natsu watched from the sidelines with sparkling eyes as Nagisa delivered a finishing blow and won his first battle; granted, it was obvious to her that Starly had been pretty hungry, therefore lacking energy for a proper fight, which resulted in such a quick and easy defeat. Still, a win was a win – certainly enough for Dawn, no surprise there, and especially enough for Nagisa's confidence.

"You did it!" Dawn hopped over to the penguin and scooped him up in a hug, softly squealing with joy. "See, if you can keep that up, you'll be the strongest in the whole world! Barry's Turtwig won't stand a chance!"

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