Chapter Two

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"Never say that won't happen to me,life has a funny way of proving us wrong"

Taraji P Henson


I'm filing for a divorce,i can finally breathe this is the best thing that has ever happened in my life besides my other archivements. I have a meeting with my lawyer to discuss this whole thing because I wanna be done with this ASAP but Idris wants to make things hard for me before I could even entertain the building the paparazzi started to bombard me with questions

"Ms Henson are the allegations about the divorce true"?

"Have you seen the posts he's said about you"

"Is it true you once cheated on him"

"Will you share half of your properties with him"

I made it in the building and went straight to his office,he showed me the day we met and exchanged numbers.  I didn't bother knocking because he knew I was coming so he wouldn't change plans at the last minute

He was on the phone when I walked in and motioned me to take a seat while he finished talking on the phone which I didn't mind because it sounded Important, he finished up and took out his iPad from his bag .

Taraji:Did you get my emails?
Terrence:Yeah I did. I'd appreciate it if you greeted me back

He's gonna be annoying I swear

Terrence:That's more like it, so you and your husband got married in community of property but you don't want him to get any of your money
Taraji:isn't that obvious?

He looked at me taking of his glasses and cleared his throat

Terrence:Mrs Henson I'm not sure how you normally treat people but I don't care but this is my office and you are gonna give me the same respect I give you or you can take your case and give it to someone else who would appreciate your stinking attitude because I clearly don't.

Who the hell doesn't he this he is? Talking to me like I'm one of his buddies!

I stood up from the chair and made my way towards the door because I will not let someone talk to me like that especially a man, NEVER. I can't afford to look for someone else thou so I'm stuck with his assistant by choice of course

I sat down and he had a stupid smirk on his face, I hate him already

Taraji:I apologize
Terrence:Apology accepted, now let's talk about this husband of yours.
Taraji:Well when we got married I was clearly stupid not to make him sign a prenuptial agreement but I was blinded by love if that's what you call it and my parents clearly didn't make me think any better because they told me its just money so we got married and that man has never worked a day in his life while living in my house now he wants to take my money
Terrence:Well I'll just be blunt because you clearly don't have a filter, he has a very strong case because you didn't sign any agreement but I'll promise you that he won't get a cent of your belongings

Nah, when someone starts making promises that's when I start to worry because people can't keep them.

Terrence:Trust me, I know we don't know each other like that but trust me, I will do my best to get you what ever you want.

God don't fall for it Taraji DON'T.

Taraji:I trust you

Here goes nothing .

My phone started ringing,i forgot to switch this thing off now I look so unprofessional.  Surprise it's Idris

Taraji:Its him can I answer it
Terrence:Put it in speaker
Terrence:Just do it

I answered and placed it in the desk

Taraji:What do you want?
Idris:Hostile as always I see, I spoke to my lawyer and he is ready for war so put your gloves on and get ready for the battle baby
Taraji:Are you serious?   You not getting a cent if my... 

Before I could finish my sentence Terrence cut the call and placed my phone on silent

Terrence:Don't get your emotions all over the place,he is trying to get to you don't let him OKAY
Terrence:Listen to me, I know what I'm doing Taraji
Taraji:How do you know my name?  Stalker much Mr Howard?
Terrence:You're rich,i should be asking you how do you know me?

Are we flirting or what?  🚨🚨
I need to get out of here

Taraji:You name is engraved on you door
Terrence:Mmh. I need to know you in a personal level
Terrence:Not like that, III..  mean...
Taraji:I know what you mean

That was awkward ,I'm letting my guard down WHY,WHY!!!

Terrence:So in getting to know more about you and your HUSBAND of course, when shall we meet?

Why the emphasis on the"HUSBAND " like he's trying to notify me,i don't have time to date for real even when married to Idris I considered myself single AF..

Taraji:Call me anytime I'm always available

If you know what I mean

Terrence:Okay Mrs Alba
Taraji:That's not funny Terrence
Terrence:Bye Taraji.

I never thought I would ever go thru a nasty divorce cause I've seen those happen to other people but it is what it is.

So by now we know Taraji is super hostile,was she always like this or something happened?

Terrence seems to know how to tame her or is she allowing him to do so?

What was that awkward moment about?

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