Chapter Twenty Four

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"You've made me complete and I couldn't be more happy"

Five Months Later

Taraji P Henson


The only thing I want to do right now is get this baby out of me because I can't anymore. If it's not my shoes and clothes not fitting,it's these weird food cravings and I just always have the worst heartburn and somehow my blood pressure is always  so high.  Right now I was watching this girl set up the foot spa courtesy of my husband cause he says he's tired of rubbing my feet so he hired a professional to do it. While she was setting up I received a facetime  from Marlo

Marlo:Boss lady
Marlo:Just wanted to check up on your and the Howard princess
Taraji:We are good,How is my company doing without me Marlo
Marlo:Taraji everything is fine okay stop worrying about everything else and focus and on keeping that BP on low
Marlo:Taraji...If you need to know I'm keeping things running smoothly and Terrence came over to check the financial records and he's been really helpful

Terrence has been helping at at my company because he doesn't want me working

Taraji:That's my company and not Terrence's company you better remember that
Marlo:Okay "Mrs Howard" I'll remember that

She said Mrs Howard to be sarcastic and I'm actually Mrs Howard but the world will know soon enough

Marlo:When Is my baby coming?
Taraji:Any day from today
Marlo:Tell that child of of yours Brooklyn to call me when you go into labor
Taraji:You really want to be there?

Marlo and I went on a friend level about the time when I started dating Terrence,she's like the only real person in my professional business who shows genuine love and I'm glad to have her as a friend

Marlo:Duh,I gotta go now. Love you
Taraji:Love you too bye.

I didn't even feel like having a foot massage anymore.

Taraji:You can go
Masseuse:But Mr Howard said...
Taraji:You'll get your full pay just get your things and  leave my house

She got out and I went to get myself a cup of coffee even thou the doctor advised me against it. I made my way upstairs with my cup of coffee and watched a movie. Before I could enjoy my movie Terrence barged in and took of his jacket placing it on top of the bed

Terrence:Hey baby
Terrence:Must be nice just watching movies,eating and sleep.


Taraji:You think i enjoy staying here and lazing around while you're busy running my company and I'm ugly and heavy carrying your child
Terrence:Baby I didn't mean it like that you...
Taraji:The fuck you meant then. Honestly I can't deal with your stupid ass every single day always making stupid comments

I stood up and wore my slippers then grabbed my car keys and went downstairs while Terrence followed me

Terrence:Where are you going?
Taraji:Terrence can you please just leave me alone? I need to breathe without you hovering over me all the damn time
Terrence:You can't be driving at your state and where are you going?

I closed the door while he was still taking and I drove to his mother's place cause his grandmother is the only person who gives me sanity when everyone is driving me crazy

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