Chapter 10

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"When you know who holds all power,you don't need to be petty".

Taraji P Henson

Wednesday  15:34pm

I don't know who is this woman but she clearly doesn't know me and I don't appreciate the disrespect.

Phylicia:You heard me very well!
Terrence:Mom can you not do this right now please

Why is Terrence's mom so I'll mannered and rude,she doesn't even know me,I'm not the one to throw horrible words especially someone who is old enough to be my own mother but Terrence's mom is disgusting

Taraji:I'm gonna leave
Terrence:No babe wait...
Phylicia:Why are you still here?

I grabbed my bag ready to just get out of here

Taraji:Terrence your car is blocking mines so please move it so I can leave
Terrence:Dont leave please
Phylicia:If she wants to leave let her,why you even stopping her
Terrence:Mom can you please give us some space PLEASE
Phylicia:She better gone by the time I come back here

Terrence Howard

Taraji already went out,she is surely pissed that I know but she has to understand that is how my mom is.  My garage was opened and she was already in her car just ready to leave. I have to talk to her before she leaves and things blow out of proportion,she rolled down her window and gave me a horrible look

Terrence:Can we talk?
Taraji:I think your mother has said enough on your behalf. Move your care so I can go

My mom just fucked things up for Taraji and I,I don't know why I allow her to have such control of my life but she needs to understand what I feel for Taraji is real and I don't want her to make things difficult for us. I went back inside to find my mom already cooking without a care in the world

Terrence:Why did you do that?
Phylicia:I didn't do anything that didn't need to be done
Terrence:Mom you called her out of her name,what you did is very disrespectful and Taraji deserves an apology from you
Phylicia:She is not good for you Terrence and I don't want you and her together, I am your mother and I know what is good for you so you better break things off with that girl okay and I'm serious
Terrence:You can't tell me what to do I am a grown man Ma and I really like Taraji and you are gonna respect that and you definitely going to respect her
Phylicia:I'm telling you that things won't between the two of you
Terrence:Even if things don't work between us let that happen on its own but I don't need your interference
Phylicia:Mother knows best

I can't take more of her disrespect towards Taraji and I won't tolerate it,Taraji and I are together and nothing will come in between us.

I went upstairs to get my phone and call Taraji,she probably won't even answer my call but she'll know I tried to contact her. She let it ring for a few seconds  before answering which took my by suprise

Terrence:Hey,i didn't think you would answer my phone call
Taraji:Thought about it but what do you want Terrence?
Terrence:Baby I apologise for my mom's behaviour and I don't condone it
Taraji:You are not the person who needs to apologise to me but you mom is and for her to come at me side ways the way she did was very disrespectful and rude but she is your mother and that is one of the reasons I did not fight fire with fire and I know who I am so I don't need to act out of character because I am bigger than that but your mother will never talk to me like that EVER AGAIN ARE WE CLEAR?
Terrence:crystal clear baby
Taraji:I'm off work tomorrow
Terrence:Oh okay what do you want to do on your off day Ms Henson?
Taraji:Nothing much just relax I need it
Terrence:Okay well I would join you but I'm swamped with work tomorrow
Taraji:It's fine,I have to go now.
Terrence:Okay I'll call you later 
Taraji:Ok bye

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