Have you ever found yourself lost in a song? Not listening to the words but feeling the music course through your body like a puff of smoke into the lungs of a smoker? This is the musical equivalent of having the first smoke of the day. Now music has been shown to influence the way people act and think. I'm sure you can see what I'm getting at. The types of music people listen to can show who they are as a person. If you never try to expand your musical horizons why would you try to expand your spiritual ones? It's pointless.
Music can be as addictive as drugs. But at least this one has no negative effects. Churches use music to spread the word of God and to have everyone join under one song. It's a actually a beautiful moment because for that one song. It doesn't matter who's next to you or who's singing. All that matters is what the words mean to you.
Words have power. To destroy lives, to heal people's minds and to join a congregation as one. This is what Christians believe will help them reach heaven. Spreading the word of God and doing good deeds. It's not worth trying to do good now to reach a place if you don't fully know that it exists yet. God is said to be forgiving and that is why people pray. I've prayed once before because I had a lot on my mind that I couldn't tell others. I'll admit it made me feel better to confess my sins, But as an agnostic I don't believe it's a viable option in the lives of non-religious people. We confide in friends and family. The people that understand us. This leads to a greater community feeling and creates stronger bonds. So why can't we share this feeling with others? The only reason is because people aren't accepting of it. You can't change who people are. But you can change the way they think about life. Not all people have the opportunity to go to heaven so why not bring heaven to them? Make someone's day. Smile at a stranger. Don't give up on those who see hope in you. Become a leader, you don't have to do anything major, just accept other people for who they are. Don't promote violence but rather serenity. That's the first step to bringing nirvana to the world.
Searching for nirvana
Nonfiksithis is a story about looking for heaven while still alive. this will include personal experiences along with religious ways people have tried to find it. hope you enjoy.