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John's P.O.V.

I stormed into my house after that bit of a tragic accident. I have no idea what her problem!!! I mean, honestly, what did I ever do to her? I guess I teased her once or twice, but she should realize that's how boys act!!! She has a stupid brother, for crying out loud!

The next day I woke up sort of late. I guess I was just stressed from last night's events. Then I realized it was very foggy outside. A smile creeps onto my face. I see Sophie outside, and I open the door quietly. Then I get down to the ground and creep towards her. I notice she's with her brother, James, and they are having a heated debate.

"Sophie! You have to go apologize to him! You hurt his feelings!" James exclaimed.

I scowled. Did he think I was a wuss?

"I'm sure. I don't think anyone could hurt that moron's feelings! He probably doesn't even have any!" Sophie hisses at James.

"Sophie, he's just like that 'cause he likes you! But he hides his feelings 'cause he's afraid of you rejecting him!" James retorts back, which Sophie replies to with a scoff.

Wow, this boy is smarter than he lets on! He just told Sophie my true feelings, and he's only met me once! And does Sophie really hate me?

"Fine! I'll apologize to him, but that's all I have to do with him!" Sophie gives in.

Then, unfortunately for me, she walks up to my house and rings the doorbell.

Mimi answers. "Yes?"

"Is John there? I have to talk to him."

Mimi gives her a funny look. "No, he said he went outside to get the mail."

Sophie says goodbye and soory, then as soon as Mimi closes the door, she whips around and glares into the fog.

"John Lennon, I know you're stalking me! Come out now!!" she yells.

I gulp and start backing up to get in through the back door.

"And don't even think about sneaking to your back door! Man up and face me!"

This girl has an uncanny ability to think like I do. But that isn't going to stop me. I run to the back door, open it, and hurl myself in. I'll just think of another way to get back at this rude little girl from America.


A.N. Sorry this is such a short chapter. But what do you think will happen next? There is some serious tensionn between John and Sophie right now!

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