Moving again

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Sophie's P.O.V.

I shoved my last box marked Pictures, inside of the house. I ran upstairs before James could stop me. I heard him holler, "No fair, Sophie! I'm gonna-" but whatever he was going to say, he never said. I quickly chose a bedroom with cream wall paint and purple carpeting. Not as nice as my old room.

I walked downstairs and in five trips, I had all my boxes in my room. One marked, Clothing, another, Bed stuff, and, books, Pictures, Personal Items. One of the big beefy moving guys hauled in my bed and dresser. Another came in with my mattress. I unpacked my clothes, bed stuff, and books. The room had a built in bookshelf which was pretty sweet.

I opened the smallish box with pictures. Most were family stuff. Like me and James when we were younger. Mum. Dad. Grandma and Grandpop. The one on the very bottom was of John, making a goofy face. I stared at it for about five minutes. Tears threatened to fall but I threatened them right back in. I yanked the picture and shoved it in a random book.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it wasn't. However, the book I shoved the picture in was Alice Thru the Looking Glass. John's favorite book. And possibly the only one he's ever read, too. I can't stand it! I threw the book across the room.

"Hey Soph! What's up?" James popped his head into my room.

"Get out!" I grumbled.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" he huffed as he crossed his arms.

I glared at him, "Out!"

He rolled his eyes and muttered something about me being dramatic and left. Which I was glad. I slammed my door to tell James that he can't poke in his fat head for no good freaking reason. I slid the box, Personal Items, towards me. I was scared to look in it.

I opened it anyways.

So I had my hair brush, tooth brush, tooth paste, make up, ect. But at the bottom, there was the new Elvis Presley record that John must of slipped in there when we were packing together. And underneath that, was his shirt. The one from the prank when they dyed my hair pink. I lifted the shirt to my face and inhaled the scent. Still smelled like John.

I sighed and laid down.


Sjohn jophie johnie sophohn sophiohn soohnie sopohnie jophie sohn jophn, and just for fun: sjphn (try to pronounce THAT!)

What should be the ship name? I'm just experimenting.

peach out,

Brianna ♥

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